Suggested Alt-text to go along with the image when shared elsewhere:
Three-part image explaining the mechanics of how the CO2 heat transfer works
Part 1 - Non-greenhouse gas:
Shows an N2 or O2 molecule and an infra-red (IR) photon entering and exiting with caption "IR photon has little or no effect on N2 or O2"
Part 2 - Greenhouse gas radiative energy transfer:
Shows a CO2 molecule absorbing IR photon's energy in step 1 and the CO2 molecule re-radiating the IR-photon in step 2
Part 3 - Greenhouse gas kinetic energy transfer:
Step 1: CO2 molecule absorbs photon
Step 2: CO2 molecule is in an energized state where motion = heat energy
Step 3: CO2 collides with N2 and O2 molecules, transfering its motion/heat energy
Step 4: CO2 molecule is ready to absorb another IR photon
Step 5: Cold N2 or O2 molecules can absorb more motion/heat energy (higher altitude = colder)
Step 6: Cold layers are now warmer and the atmosphere contains more heat. (There's no height limit to this effect).
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