A selection of new climate related research articles is shown below.
1. Diurnal Cycle Variability of Surface Temperature Inferred from AIRS data
"...it is found that the DTR of the surface (skin) temperature over the global Earth has a temporal small positive trend in the decade of the AIRS measurements indicating that the day temperatures grew slightly more rapidly than the night temperatures. A possible cause of the observed DTR increase is a decrease of the low cloud fraction at nighttime found for the same time period from the AIRS retrievals."
"We find that ice volume variability has a strong enhancing effect on atmospheric temperature changes, particularly in the regions where the ice sheets are located. As a result, polar amplification in the Northern Hemisphere decreases towards warmer climates as there is little land ice left to melt. Conversely, decay of the Antarctic ice sheet increases polar amplification in the Southern Hemisphere in the high-CO2 regime. Our results also show that in cooler climates than the pre-industrial, the ice–albedo feedback predominates the surface–height–temperature feedback, while in warmer climates they are more equal in strength."
3. Fast and slow components of the extratropical atmospheric circulation response to CO2 forcing
"... all of the poleward shift of the midlatitude jets and Hadley cell edge occurs in a fast response within 5 to 10 years of the forcing, during which less than half of the expected equilibrium warming is realized. Compared with this fast response, the slow response over subsequent decades to centuries features stronger polar amplification (especially in the Antarctic), enhanced warming in the Southern Ocean, an El Niño-like pattern of tropical Pacific warming, and weaker land-sea contrast."
6. Brominated VSLS and their influence on ozone under a changing climate
10. Variability in above- and belowground carbon stocks in a Siberian larch watershed
12. Rainfall along the coast of Peru during strong El Niño events
16. A multi-scale analysis of the extreme rain event of Ouagadougou in 2009
17. Potential to constrain projections of hot temperature extremes
18. Soil respiration across a permafrost transition zone: spatial structure and environmental correlates
20. A robust null hypothesis for the potential causes of megadrought in western North America
23. Response of water use efficiency to summer drought in a boreal Scots pine forest in Finland
24. Sea ice assimilation into a coupled ocean–sea ice model using its adjoint
26. Atmospheric dynamics is the largest source of uncertainty in future winter European rainfall
27. Tidal Variability Related to Sea Level Variability in the Pacific Ocean
28. Using fuzzy logic to determine the vulnerability of marine species to climate change
"We identified 157 species to be highly vulnerable while 294 species are identified as being at high risk of impacts. Species that are most vulnerable tend to be large-bodied endemic species."
29. Projected reductions in climatic suitability for vulnerable British birds
"In conclusion, community-wide projections of changes in climatic suitability based on abundance indicate that bird assemblages throughout Great Britain will be impacted by climate change and that species already of concern are likely to be impacted hardest. Of the species projected to benefit, the ability of currently red-listed species to respond positively to climate without other interventions is unclear."
31. Climate change and spring frost damages for sweet cherries in Germany
"For both sites, no significant increase in frost frequency and frost damage during blossom was found. In Geisenheim, frost damages significantly decreased from the middle of the twenty-first century."
"This suggests that the spawning phenology and distribution of several ecologically and commercially important fish species dramatically and rapidly changed in response to the warming conditions occurring in 2014–2016, and could be an indication of future conditions under projected climate change. Changes in spawning timing and poleward migration of fish populations due to warmer ocean conditions or global climate change will negatively impact areas that were historically dependent on these fish, and change the food web structure of the areas that the fish move into with unforeseen consequences."
"This shows that recent decades have seen a significant decline in primary production in the North Sea. Moreover, primary production differs in magnitude between six hydrodynamic regions within the North Sea. Sea surface warming and reduced riverine nutrient inputs are found to be likely contributors to the declining levels of primary production." ... "Given positive (bottom-up) associations between primary production, zooplankton abundance and fish stock recruitment, this study provides strong evidence that if the decline in primary production continues, knock-on effects upon the productivity of fisheries are to be expected unless these fisheries are managed effectively and cautiously."
34. Radial growth and physiological response of coniferous trees to Arctic amplification
"Tree radial growth decreased over the past 52 years in central eastern Siberia with the higher rate of summer temperature increase than other regions, as indicated by the negative correlation between radial growth and summer temperature, but increased in northern Europe and Canada."
35. Interannual bumble bee abundance is driven by indirect climate effects on floral resource phenology
38. Biome-specific climatic space defined by temperature and precipitation predictability
39. Interannual variability of ecosystem carbon exchange: From observation to prediction
40. Ice ages leave genetic diversity ‘hotspots’ in Europe but not in Eastern North America
41. Detecting impacts of extreme events with ecological in situ monitoring networks
42. Coupling of pollination services and coffee suitability under climate change
46. Subjective measures of climate resilience: What is the added value for policy and programming?
47. Dry groundwater wells in the western United States
48. Temporal photoperiod sensitivity and forcing requirements for budburst in temperate tree seedlings
49. Regional contribution to variability and trends of global gross primary productivity
55. Assessing the costs and benefits of US renewable portfolio standards
"RPS programs are not likely to represent the most cost effective path towards achieving air quality and climate benefits. Nonetheless, the findings suggest that US RPS programs are, on a national basis, cost effective when considering externalities."
56. U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Agreement: Reasons, impacts, and China’s response
"China faces mounting pressure from the international community to assume global climate leadership after the U.S. withdraws, and this article proposes that China should reach the high ends of its domestic climate targets under the current Nationally Determined Contributions; internationally, China should facilitate the rebuilding of shared climate leadership, replacing the G2 with C5. Meanwhile, China needs to keep the U.S. engaged in climate cooperation."
"...the failure of the U.S. to honor its NDC commitment to different degrees will increase the U.S. carbon emission space and decrease its mitigation cost. However, the carbon emission space of other parties, including China, EU, and Japan, will be reduced and their mitigation costs will be increased."
58. Citizens show strong support for climate policy, but are they also willing to pay?
"The findings reveal that WTP [willingness to pay] is much lower than WTS [willingness to support]." (When asking about forest conservation in Brazil.)
59. Carbon futures: a valiant attempt to bring scientific order from modeling chaos
60. Renewable natural gas in California: An assessment of the technical and economic potential
61. The sociological imagination in a time of climate change
62. The Plio-Pleistocene climatic evolution as a consequence of orbital forcing on the carbon cycle
63. Spatially variable geothermal heat flux in West Antarctica: evidence and implications
Posted by Ari Jokimäki on Friday, 6 October, 2017
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