A selection of new climate related research articles is shown below.
Climate change communication
The climate spiral demonstrates the power of sharing creative ideas (open access)
Local TV news viewer reactions to weathercasters reporting the local impacts of climate change (open access)
New trends in solar: A comparative study assessing the attitudes towards the adoption of rooftop PV
How do Canadian media report climate change impacts on health? A newspaper review
Climate Policy
International and national climate policies for aviation: a review (open access)
Is decoupling a red herring? The role of structural effects and energy policies in Europe (open access)
Charging Drivers by the Pound: How Does the UK Vehicle Tax System Affect CO2 Emissions?
Energy production
The overlooked role of discourse in breaking carbon lock?in: The case of the German energy transition (open access)
Barriers to onshore wind farm implementation in Brazil
The US solar panel anti-dumping duties versus uniform tariff
Local demand-pull policy and energy innovation: Evidence from the solar photovoltaic market in China
Measures to promote renewable energies for electricity generation in Latin American countries
Biofuels policies and fuel demand elasticities in Brazil
Emission savings
Economic carbon cycle feedbacks may offset additional warming from natural feedbacks
Observational evidence of high methane emissions over a city in western India
Timescale for detecting the climate response to stratospheric aerosol geoengineering
Temperature, precipitation, wind
Evaluation of synoptic?scale patterns during extreme temperature and precipitation events in Alaska
Trend Analysis of Climatic Research Unit Temperature dataset for Gangotri Glacier, India
Predictability of Ocean Heat Content from Electrical Conductance
Analysis of climate extreme indices over the Komadugu-Yobe basin, Lake Chad region: Past and future occurrences (open access)
Urban Rainfall Modification: Observational Climatology over Berlin, Germany
Assessing wind data from reanalyses for the upper midwest (open access)
Are the near-Antarctic easterly winds weakening in response to enhancement of the Southern Annular Mode? (open access)
Extreme events
Warming trends in summer heatwaves (open access)
Future projection of heat waves over China under global warming within the CORDEX-EA-II project
The synergy between drought and extremely hot summers in the Mediterranean (open access)
Potential increase in hazard from Mediterranean hurricane activity with global warming
Forcings and feedbacks
A decadal dataset of global atmospheric dust retrieved from IASI satellite measurements
Accelerated volume loss in glacier ablation zones of NE Greenland, Little Ice Age to present
The effect of Arctic sea?ice loss on the Hadley circulation
Past and future interannual variability in Arctic sea ice in coupled climate models (open access)
New insight from CryoSat-2 sea ice thickness for sea ice modelling (open access)
Durability of snow cover and its long-term variability in the Western Sudetes Mountains (open access)
Evaluating the destabilization susceptibility of active rock glaciers in the French Alps (open access)
Snow cover trends in Finland over 1961?2014 based on gridded snow depth observations
Global distribution of the oceanic bottom mixed layer thickness
Evaluation of sea level rise and associated responses in Hangzhou Bay from 1978 to 2017 (open access)
Atmospheric and oceanic circulation
Effect of the Atlantic Multidecadal Variability on the global monsoon
Pacific Sea Surface Temperature Linkages with Tanzania's Multi?season Drying Trends
Ocean Circulation Signatures of North Pacific Decadal Variability
Northern Hemisphere blocking in ∼25km resolution E3SM v0.3 atmosphere?land simulations
Possible influence of the Antarctic Oscillation on haze pollution in North China
Carbon and nitrogen cycles
Modeling the recent changes in the Arctic Ocean CO2 sink (2006–2013)
A Seasonal to Inter?annual View of Inorganic and Organic Carbon and pH in Western Lake Superior
Can ‘poor’ cities breathe: Responses to climate change in low-income countries
The impact of climate change and urban growth on urban climate and heat stress in a subtropical city
Meteorological Impacts on Commercial Aviation Delays and Cancellations in the Continental US (open access)
Potential of climate-smart agriculture in reducing women farmers’ drudgery in high climatic risk areas (open access)
Observed climatic changes in West Virginia and opportunities for agriculture
Factors influencing the adaptation of farmers in response to climate change: a review
Diversifying knowledge governance for climate adaptation in protected areas in Colombia (open access)
Who is responsible for climate change adaptation? (open access)
Climate variation influences host specificity in avian malaria parasites
Alternative transient states and slow plant community responses after changed flooding regimes
Compensatory mechanisms to climate change in the widely distributed species Silene vulgaris
Climate?driven reduction of genetic variation in plant phenology alters soil communities and nutrient pools (open access)
Tree-ring reconstructions of cool season temperature for far southeastern Australia, 1731–2007
The Antarctic Ice Sheet response to glacial millennial-scale variability (open access)
Posted by Ari Jokimäki on Friday, 25 January, 2019
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