Daily Climate Links: receive the latest climate blog posts, news and peer-reviewed science by email

Over the last few years, I've been compiling a database of thousands of climate links. Every day, whenever I see a climate blog post, some news or a peer-reviewed paper, I add it to the database, recording any relevant skeptic arguments. I do this for several reasons. It helps me keep track of the most popular skeptic arguments (that's how they're ranked by popularity). I have a handy resource of peer-reviewed papers (as well as which skeptic argument they address). I can see what's happening in the mainstream media. But mainly, I'm just an obsessive collector of data. Anyway, I've decided to make this database useful to everyone by offering a Daily Climate Links email service. Once a day, you can now receive an email containing all the climate links submitted over the last 24 hours. Click here to subscribe.

The links are organised into categories. Eg - "blog", "mainstream media", "peer-reviewed study", etc. Each link is colour coded: red for skeptic, green for pro-AGW, blue for neutral - I database all climate articles regardless of whether they're skeptic or "warmist". So a typical email would look something like this (I'll revamp it with a snazzier design down the track):

So to sign up, go to the Daily Climate Links page. Once you've signed up, you'll receive your first email within 24 hours (they get sent out at 4am Australian time). I'll probably continue to develop this service - if the number of links submitted each day increases, perhaps I'll add a feature to let you select which types of articles you receive (eg - just peer-reviewed papers). If there is a particular skeptic argument you're interested in, I could always add a feature letting you subscribe to receive articles about that argument (eg - you're an ocean scientist and want to hear the latest links about ocean acidification). I'm sure there's lots of weird and wonderful ideas that haven't occured to me yet so feel free to suggest any possible variations.

Posted by John Cook on Wednesday, 27 October, 2010

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