Plugging a video channel: Dr Gilbz

Dr. Ella Gilbert is a climate scientist and presenter with a PhD in Antarctic climate change, working at the British Antarctic Survey (BAS). Her background is in atmospheric sciences and she's especially interested in the physical mechanisms of climate change, clouds, and almost anything polar. She is passionate about communicating climate science to non-specialist audiences and using film and TV to do it. After all, climate change affects everyone, so everyone should be able to understand it. To help with that, she publishes videos about climate science, Antarctica, weather and anything climate related on her Youtube channel called Dr Gilbz.

Here is a sample of her videos to "showcase" her work, each with a description based on what Ella provided on Youtube for it.

Climate extremes are reshaping Antarctica - published Aug 21, 2023

Antarctica is experiencing more and more extreme events, driven in large part by climate change. These extremes are changing the polar environment, with consequences for us all. Lots of this video is based on new work by Siegert et al. (2023).

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Is climate changing faster than expected? - published Sept 15, 2023

It feels from the news like climate change is happening faster and faster every year – so are the extremes of 2023 taking us by surprise? The answer is not… entirely. Climate is changing pretty much as we expect, but the impacts are a different story.

[youtube id="B_kJ4QD4R8g"]

Antarctic climate change is taking us by surprise - published Oct 17, 2023

While global temperature rise may be behaving as predicted, there are certain regions on earth where climate change is happening way faster than expected. And nowhere is that more true than the polar regions.

[youtube id="s0mpCMQgtAk"]

2°C is too high for the world’s ice #COP28 - published Dec 4, 2023

“We can’t negotiate with the melting point of ice”.

A sobering new report shows that warming of 2 degrees above pre-industrial temperatures will spell disaster for the world’s frozen cryosphere. But as the world’s leaders meet in Dubai to discuss climate action, it’s clear there’s a huge gap between what needs to happen, and what countries are committed to delivering.

For this video, Dr Ella Gilbert met Dr James Kirkham, Chief Scientific Advisor for the International Cryosphere Climate Initiative, who is working hard to translate the science in this report into real-world policy. If you would like to see the full interview Ella recorded with him, head over to her patreon page where it's free to watch.

[youtube id="yJKdQZJ30Hw"]

Antarctica might raise sea levels more than we thought - published July 5, 2024

The West Antarctic is currently chucking a load of ice into the ocean, adding rapidly to sea levels. And now, three new scientific studies have shown that the ice sheets may be more sensitive to warming than previously thought. These new findings could revise our sea level rise estimates upwards. Dr Ella Gilbert spoke to Dr Alex Bradley, who was involved in two of these new studies, about what this means, and why it doesn’t mean we should give up on climate action.

[youtube id="7THoXri-kdg"]

This is just a small sample of the videos Ella has been publishing since starting her Youtube channel several years ago and there are many more to watch on her Dr Gilbz channel (like this one or this). Check them out and if you like what you see, subscribe to her channel to not miss any of her future videos. They'll be well worth your time!

You can also find her on LinkedInInstagram and X/Twitter and support her work via Patreon.

Posted by BaerbelW on Tuesday, 16 July, 2024

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