Finally, there’s some good news to report from NOAA, the parent organization of the National Hurricane Center, or NHC: During the highly active 2o24 Atlantic hurricane season, the NHC made record-accurate track forecasts at every time interval (12-, 24-, 36-, 48-, 60-, 72-, 96-, and 120-hour forecasts), according to the preliminary 2024 NHC Forecast Verification Report released on Feb. 24. And 2024 research suggests that the research dollars spent since 2007 on improved hurricane forecasts could have led to over $10 billion in combined benefits just for the two major hurricanes that hit in 2024, Helene and Milton. But the budget for hurricane research could be slashed under the Trump administration.

Figure 1. Verification of official NHC hurricane track forecasts for the Atlantic, 1990-2024. (Image credit: Preliminary 2024 NHC Forecast Verification Report).



2025 SkS Weekly Climate Change & Global Warming News Roundup #10

Posted on 9 March 2025 by BaerbelW, Doug Bostrom, John Hartz

A listing of 32 news and opinion articles we found interesting and shared on social media during the past week: Sun, March 2, 2025 thru Sat, March 8, 2025.

This week's roundup is again published by category and sorted by number of articles included in each. We are still interested in feedback to hone the categorization, so if you spot any clear misses and/or have suggestions for additional categories, please let us know in the comments. Thanks!

Stories we promoted this week, by category and number of articles shared:

Climate Change Impacts (13 articles)



Fact brief - Is Greenland losing land ice?

Posted on 8 March 2025 by Sue Bin Park

FactBriefSkeptical Science is partnering with Gigafact to produce fact briefs — bite-sized fact checks of trending claims. You can submit claims you think need checking via the tipline.

Is Greenland losing land ice?

YesData from satellites and expeditions confirm Greenland has been losing land ice at an accelerating rate for decades.

Glaciers gain ice via snowfall, while melting and ice breaking off into the ocean account for nearly all of Greenland’s ice-sheet loss. Rates vary season to season and year to year due to weather variation—however, multi-decade trends show ongoing loss.

Satellites launched in the early 1990s measure ice sheet height and gravity to detect changes in mass. They have found that Greenland has lost ice every year since 1998; from 2010 to 2018, average annual ice loss was six times that of the 1990s.

Greenland has lost 5,000 gigatons of ice since 2002. Rising global temperatures of about 2°F (1.1°C) since widespread fossil fuel burning began have driven the melt. Scientists warn that positive feedback loops such as the melting of methane-rich permafrost will further accelerate ice loss.

Go to full rebuttal on Skeptical Science or to the fact brief on Gigafact

This fact brief is responsive to quotes such as the one highlighted here.


NASA The Anatomy of Glacial Ice Loss

NOAA Arctic Report Card: Update for 2023 - Greenland Ice Sheet

National Academy of Sciences - Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences Forty-six years of Greenland Ice Sheet mass balance from 1972 to 2018

UCAR Greenland's Ice Is Melting

World Wildlife Fund Six ways loss of Arctic ice impacts everyone

Carbon Brief How the Greenland ice sheet fared in 2024

CNN Greenland is getting greener. That could have huge consequences for the world



The Cranky Uncle game can now be played in 16 languages!

Posted on 7 March 2025 by BaerbelW

As of March 7, 2025, the Cranky Uncle game is available in English, Dutch, German, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, Swedish, Turkish, Albanian, Macedonian, Finnish, Romanian, CatalanCroatian and Indonesian. It can be played on iOS or Android devices as well as in the browser. More languages are already in the queue and this blog post will be updated whenever a new language gets launched. In addition, there may be language specific announcements linked via the flag-icons at the top. These will be created by the translator teams and will most likely go into more language specific details or explain some particularly tricky or interesting translation challenges.

As this article is rather long, you can jump to the different sections via these links:
New languages and features - Brief recapUnder the hood -  Cultural aspectsCreative translationsAmbiguitiesCredits - Support

New languages and features

March 2025: for version 3.9 we added Catalan, Croatia and Indonesian to the Cranky Uncle game which can now be played in 16 languages! Another language - Polish - is currently going through testing and we hope to announce its availabilty in the next version.

Language Flags

May 2024: for version 3.8 we added Romanian to the Cranky Uncle game which can now be played in 13 languages! In addition, some features from Cranky Uncle Vaccine have been made available over the last months. There's now a "back button" to navigate back to an earlier screen and the "onboarding" will happen before the initial option to participate in the research.

December 2023: for version 3.4 we added Finnish to the Cranky Uncle game which can now be played in 12 languages!

July 2023: for version 3.3. we added Albanian and Macedonian to the Cranky Uncle game which can now be played in 11 languages! Cranky Uncle is for sure a polyglot by now!

April 2023: for version 3.2 we added Turkish to the Cranky Uncle game which can now be played in 9 languages! In addition, we added a page to list the Cranky resources available in different languages, which may come in handy for presentations and/or workshops.

December 2022: for version 3.1 we added French, Italian and Swedish to the Cranky Uncle game which can now be played in 8 languages!

August 2022: With the addition of Spanish and Portuguese, v3.0 of the Cranky Uncle game can now be played in 5 languages! In addition to adding new languages, this version of the game also eliminates the need to login with an email-address or groupcode.

February 2022: The multi-lingual v2.0 was launched with German and Dutch as the first two languages the game could be played in apart from English.

A brief recap of the game's history and motivation

It’s been a long journey to get us to this point. We ran our initial crowd-funding campaign back in January 2020 and thanks to generous donors, we worked with creative agency Goodbeast to develop and launch v1.0 of the game in December 2020. Our next goal had always been to develop a multilingual version of the Cranky Uncle game and thanks to some additional funding support from Monash University, Cranky Uncle initially learned Dutch and German and started to teach people how to identify the science denial techniques in these two languages in February 2022. More languages have been added since then and the updates are listed at the top of this article.

The Cranky Uncle game adopts an active inoculation approach, where a Cranky Uncle cartoon character mentors players to learn the techniques of science denial. Cranky Uncle is a free game available on smartphones for iPhone ( and Android ( as well as web browsers ( The player’s aim is to become a “cranky uncle”—a science denier who skillfully applies a variety of logically flawed argumentation techniques to reject the conclusions of the scientific community. By adopting the mindset of a cranky uncle, the player develops a deeper understanding of science denial techniques, thus acquiring the knowledge to resist misleading persuasion attempts in the future. More information about the game and its scientific background is available in the article “Teaching students how to spot climate misinformation using a cartoon game” published in the journal Plus Lucis.



Skeptical Science New Research for Week #10 2025

Posted on 6 March 2025 by Doug Bostrom, Marc Kodack

Open access notables

Snow Mass Recharge of the Greenland Ice Sheet Fueled by Intense Atmospheric River, Bailey & Hubbard, Geophysical Research Letters:

Atmospheric rivers (ARs) have been linked with extreme rainfall and melt events across the Greenland ice sheet (GrIS), accelerating its mass loss. However, the impact of AR-fueled snowfall has received less attention, partly due to limited empirical evidence. Here, we relate new firn core stratigraphy and isotopic analyses with glacio-meteorological data sets from SE Greenland to examine an intense AR in mid-March 2022. We demonstrate that the associated snowfall—up to 11.6 gigatons d−1—delayed summer melt onset by11-days and offset Greenland's 2022 net mass loss by 8%. Since 2010, our synoptic analysis reveals that snow accumulation across SE Greenland increased by 20 mm water equivalent a−1, driven by enhanced Atlantic cyclonicity. We find that the impact of ARs on the GrIS is not exclusively negative and their capacity to contribute mass recharge may become increasingly significant under ongoing Arctic amplification and predicted poleward intrusion of mid-latitude moisture.

The People against the Sun? Ideology and Strategy in Far-Right Parties' Climate Obstruction of Solar Energy, Weisskircher & Volk, Environmental Politics:

Far-right parties increasingly mobilize against climate action. While scholarship has initially focused on explicit climate denialism, by now research analyzes the opposition against specific climate policies. This article studies far-right parties’ positions on solar energy, the fastest growing renewable energy source in Europe. First, we examine the crucial case of the Alternative for Germany (AfD), a prominent example of climate obstruction. Second, we explore ten additional far-right parties from eight western European countries as shadow cases. Methodologically, we analyze 61 manifestos (2014–2023). The article makes three key contributions: First, it shows how far-right parties frame solar power. Second, it underlines the heterogeneity of positions among far-right parties over space and time. Third, it argues that variation in opposition and support indicates that positions towards solar power are driven rather by strategic considerations than by a common coherent ideological stance – an important finding for understanding far-right climate obstruction more broadly.

Anticipating the Challenges of AI in Climate Governance: An Urgent Dilemma for Democracies, Machen & Pearce, WIREs Climate Change:

There is increasing interest in AI as a means of accelerating climate policy interventions. While undoubtedly promising, AI's recent history in other fields demonstrates the risk of significant unintended consequences that widen social inequalities or reduce democratic engagement. In this perspective, we review recent developments in climate governance and in AI governance and anticipate several potential problems when the two are combined. In particular, we highlight potential democratic challenges for the application of AI in climate governance through narrowing the range of policy options, narrowing the range of experts and publics that can contribute to climate governance, and how the implementation of AI may run counter to norms of democratic accountability. These challenges represent an urgent dilemma for climate governance as ignoring these issues will erode democratic oversight, lead to unpopular unintended consequences, and could reverse recent positive trends in diversity and participation within climate science and policy. In contrast, engaging with them could strengthen democracy and increase the successful social uptake of the technologies. By way of mitigating these risks, we introduce four principles for a bounded application of climate AI technologies that recognizes and enhances understanding of the political and contested nature of environmental decision-making. First, situating AI within expert and lay public debates. Second, valuing non-quantifiable knowledge. Third, expanding deliberation within AI decision-making. Fourth, developing domain-specific AI applications.

China’s readiness for transitioning to a low-carbon economy: mitigant and catalyst factors for a geopolitical conflict, Chen et al., Frontiers in Environmental Science:

The transition from a carbon-intensive economy to a carbon-neutral one has become a critical global objective to address climate change. This study examines the relationship between Low-Carbon Economic Development (LCED) and Geopolitical Risk (GPR) in China by focusing on the challenges and opportunities they present. We use a qualitative analysis to identify that rising GPR, exacerbated by market instability, resource allocation conflicts, and trade disputes, significantly hinders LCED progress. However, these geopolitical tensions also act as a catalyst for accelerating the development of renewable energy, reducing reliance on traditional energy sources, and fostering low-carbon technologies. Furthermore, LCED can ameliorate GPR by decreasing dependence on energy imports, promoting international cooperation, and encouraging scientific innovation. These findings suggest actionable policy recommendations to support the global transition to a low-carbon economy. This research underscores the potential LCED has as a fundamental tool for resolving geopolitical tensions and uniting global efforts to combat climate change.

Barriers and limits to adaptation in the Arctic, Malik & Ford, Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability:

The Arctic is experiencing rapid environmental changes, adaptation challenges, and geopolitical competition. Indigenous Peoples inhabiting the Arctic particularly experience these impacts affecting livelihoods, culture, and the possibilities for long-term adaptation. This study examines the social barriers and limits to adaptation in the Arctic, highlighting the intricate relationship between different social factors. We showcase that these factors are not merely technical or isolated but are deeply political in nature, influenced by broader structural factors, power dynamics, and governance systems. Colonialism, global capitalism, and geopolitical interests intersect and affect resource extraction, Indigenous sovereignty, cultural continuity, and adaptation. We highlight how structural inequalities, exclusion, marginalisation, and systemic neglect impact Indigenous Peoples’ adaptation. We examine how social norms, individual values, psychosocial factors, and governance systems shape adaptation outcomes, distinguishing between barriers and limits.

From this week's government/NGO section:

Climate Change in the American Mind: Public Perceptions of the Health Harms of Global Warming, Fall 2024Fine et al., Yale University and George Mason University

The authors present their findings from a nationally representative survey – Climate Change in the American Mind – from interviews with 1,013 adults (18+), conducted between December 11 – 22, 2024. The authors focused on public perceptions of the health harms of climate change and various sources of energy. The survey results reported here assess Americans’ awareness and understanding of the health harms of global warming; their beliefs about who should take action to protect people from these harms; and their trust in various sources of information about these harms. The authors compare many of the results with prior surveys conducted in 2014, 2018, and 2020. Many Americans have thought (32%) or worried (28%) a “great deal” or “moderate amount” about the health harms of global warming, similar to the percentages in 2014. 39% of Americans think Americans’ health is being harmed by global warming “a great deal” or “a moderate amount,” an 8 percentage point increase from 2014. However, only 16% think their own health is being harmed by global warming a “great deal” or a “moderate amount.” When asked to name health problems related to global warming, about four in ten Americans (37%) identify at least one health problem (+5 points since 2014).

Electricity Demand Growth and Data Centers: A Guide for the PerplexedKoomey et al., Koomey Analytics and the Bipartisan Policy Center

Recent reports of unprecedented growth in electricity demand from data centers have appeared in many major news outlets. These headlines encapsulate two widely expressed concerns. First, the rising energy demand from data centers could further overburden aging power infrastructure. Second, this new source of demand could jeopardize efforts to mitigate climate change. The authors explore the accuracy of such narratives and explain the key drivers of load growth for data centers.

101 articles in 47 journals by 727 contributing authors

Physical science of climate change, effects

A Linear Sensitivity Framework to Understand the Drivers of the Wet-Bulb Globe Temperature Changes, Kong & Huber, 10.21203/

Common and Distinct Drivers of Convective Mass Flux and Walker Circulation Changes, Kang et al., Geophysical Research Letters Open Access 10.1029/2024gl111897

Dust in the arctic: a brief review of feedbacks and interactions between climate change, aeolian dust and ecosystems, Meinander et al., Frontiers in Environmental Science Open Access 10.3389/fenvs.2025.1536395

Hot season gets hotter due to rainfall delay over tropical land in a warming climate, Song et al., Nature Communications Open Access 10.1038/s41467-025-57501-6



Climate Adam: Protecting our Planet from President Trump

Posted on 5 March 2025 by Guest Author

This video includes personal musings and conclusions of the creator climate scientist Dr. Adam Levy and climate communicator Becky Hoag. It is presented to our readers as an informed perspective. Please see video description for references (if any).

In just a few weeks President Donald Trump has done everything he can to attack climate action - from halting research to censoring data. But Earth's not going down without a fight. Environmental groups, scientists, states and countries are fighting back for our planet - doing what they can to protect climate research and safeguard environmental policy. Becky and I break down all the climate action for ya!

Support ClimateAdam on patreon:

Check out Becky's Youtube channel: @beckisphere



Sabin 33 #18 - Can shadow flicker from wind turbines trigger seizures in people with epilepsy?

Posted on 4 March 2025 by Ken Rice

On November 1, 2024 we announced the publication of 33 rebuttals based on the report "Rebutting 33 False Claims About Solar, Wind, and Electric Vehicles" written by Matthew Eisenson, Jacob Elkin, Andy Fitch, Matthew Ard, Kaya Sittinger & Samuel Lavine and published by the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law at Columbia Law School in 2024. Below is the blog post version of rebuttal #18 based on Sabin's report.

Fact-Myth box

Even at its peak, shadow flicker from wind turbines typically remains far weaker than what is known to trigger seizures in people with epilepsy1.

A 2021 academic study found that wind turbines operate between 0.5 to 1 Hz, much lower than the threshold frequency of 3 Hz typically required to cause a seizure (Karanikas et al. 2021).  Similarly, a 2012 report prepared for the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection found that shadow flicker frequencies from wind turbines are “usually in the range of 0.3–1.0 Hz, which is outside of the range of seizure thresholds according to the National Resource Council and the Epilepsy Foundation.”2 If shadow flicker were to reach 3 Hz, the probability of causing a seizure in a member of the photosensitive population would be approximately 1.7/100,000.2

Additional public-health studies have likewise found that wind turbines do not cause seizures (Zaporozhets et al. 2022, Knopper et al. 2014). Wind turbines with three blades, for example, would need to rotate at a speed of 60 rpm to cause a seizure.  However, modern turbines typically operate at maximum speeds between 15 and 17 rpm, depending on model, well below the 60 rpm threshold.



Cuts to U.S. weather and climate research could put public safety at risk

Posted on 3 March 2025 by Guest Author

This is a re-post from Yale Climate Connections by Jeff Masters and Bob Henson

One month into the new Trump administration, firings of scientists and freezes to U.S. research funding have caused an unprecedented elimination of scientific expertise from the federal government. Proposed and ongoing cuts to agencies like the National Weather Service and the Federal Emergency Management Agency, or FEMA, could hobble efforts to keep Americans safe during and after disasters. Meanwhile, slashed funding for climate research risks blindfolding the U.S. as the dangers from climate change escalate in the coming years and decades, scientists warn.

Mass layoffs at FEMA

When Hurricanes Helene and Milton – both made more destructive by climate change – devastated the Southeast last fall, workers at the Federal Emergency Management Agency, or FEMA, oversaw the government’s effort to rescue survivors and aid the recovery. FEMA has been key, too, in bolstering the country’s long-term resilience efforts, such as elevating flood-prone homes and installing drainage works. 

But mass layoffs of probationary employees – a civil service classification that typically encompasses new hires but can also include military veterans, longtime employees who’ve switched positions, or those who were hired on a fast track or work with a disability – and sudden departures within the deferred resignation program put in place by Elon Musk’s DOGE unit have led to a loss of about 1,000 of FEMA’s 25,000 employees. The Washington Post reported that one of the agency staffers fired was a 15-year employee and a chief for the National Flood Insurance Program. According to the Washington Post, another wave of firings is expected, targeting employees who work in climate-related diversity, equity, and inclusion programs. 

Such cuts could result in slower disaster responses, longer waits for payouts, and reduced implementation of resilience efforts, ultimately increasing the risk of damage from climate change-enhanced extreme weather. In addition, firings could hamper efforts to update the agency’s significantly outdated flood maps, which are critical for determining flood risk and insurance rates. 

President Donald Trump has vowed to essentially dismantle FEMA, shift disaster money to states, and privatize the National Flood Insurance Program – all core suggestions of Project 2025, a plan for Trump’s second term that calls for the elimination of the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, gutting of the National Weather Service, and axing the National Flood Insurance Program.



2025 SkS Weekly Climate Change & Global Warming News Roundup #09

Posted on 2 March 2025 by BaerbelW, Doug Bostrom, John Hartz

A listing of 34 news and opinion articles we found interesting and shared on social media during the past week: Sun, February 23, 2025 thru Sat, March 1, 2025.

This week's roundup is again published soleley by category. We are still interested in feedback to hone the categorization, so if you spot any clear misses and/or have suggestions for additional categories, please let us know in the comments. Thanks!

Stories we promoted this week, by category:

Climate Policy and Politics (17 articles)



Fact brief - Are high CO2 levels harmless because they also occurred in the past?

Posted on 1 March 2025 by Sue Bin Park

FactBriefSkeptical Science is partnering with Gigafact to produce fact briefs — bite-sized fact checks of trending claims. You can submit claims you think need checking via the tipline.

Are high CO2 levels harmless because they also occurred in the past?

NoWhile the Earth adapted to high carbon dioxide levels in the past, modern civilization cannot without major consequences.

Past periods of high CO2 brought about a climate vastly different from our own. During the Eocene “hothouse” period around 55 million years ago, CO2 concentrations peaked at 1,600 parts per million. That epoch saw ice-free poles and palm trees above the arctic circle.

The last time CO2 was as high as today was 3 million years ago. Global temperatures were as much as 7°F (4°C) warmer and sea levels were as much as 80 feet (25 meters) higher.

Given that 40% of the population lives around 60 miles (100 kilometers) from the coast, rising sea levels from CO2 emissions threaten a global climate refugee crisis.

The rapid CO2 rise today, compared to the gradual rise historically, compounds the danger, with our food systems and ecosystems already struggling to adapt.

Go to full rebuttal on Skeptical Science or to the fact brief on Gigafact

This fact brief is responsive to quotes such as the one highlighted here.


NASA Carbon Dioxide

NOAA Climate Change: Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide

Nature Future climate forcing potentially without precedent in the last 420 million years

NOAA Models and fossils face off over one of the hottest periods in Earth's history

NOAA What’s the hottest Earth’s ever been?