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All IPCC definitions taken from Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Annex I, Glossary, pp. 941-954. Cambridge University Press.

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2013 SkS Weekly News Roundup #21B

Posted on 25 May 2013 by John Hartz

  • 2013 Atlantic hurricane season could be extremely active
  • Carbon capture in Europe a 'farce'
  • How Matt Ridley misinterpreted new climate sensitivity paper
  • Is global warming cooler than expected?
  • Global warming firehouse
  • Limiting methane leaks critical to gas, climate benefits
  • Making sense of the Moore OK tornado in a climate context
  • Matt Ridley's misguided climate change policy
  • No clear link between tornadoes and climate change
  • On science, politics and climate change
  • Tornadoes and climate change: huge stakes, huge unknowns
  • Turning climate action into a reality
  • U.S. carbon tax could boost revenue, curb climate change

2013 Atlantic hurricane season could be extremely active

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration predicts that the 2013 hurricane season, which begins on June 1, is likely to be somewhere between active and extremely active, with between 13 and 20 named storms – those with sustained winds above 39 m.p.h. By comparison, in 2012 — the year of Isaac and Sandy — there were 19 named storms.

2013 Hurricane Season Could Be Extremely Active: NOAA by Michael D. Lemonick, Climate Central, May 23, 2013 

Carbon capture in Europe a 'farce'

Europe's efforts to develop a carbon capture and storage (CCS) industry have "turned into a farce", and Brussels may need to adopt a target analogous to its renewable energy goals to kick-start the technology, researchers have said.

Carbon capture in Europe a 'farce', say researchers by Will Nichols, businessGreen, May 24, 2013 

Global warming firehouse

A lot of news has bubbled up about global warming over the past few days, and devoting a post to each one would be a) carpal tunnel syndrome-inducing, and 2) depressing as hell. So in the manner of ripping off a Band-aid quickly, here is a torrent of global warming info, and as usual it’s about reality and the foes thereof.

Glogal Warming Firehouse by Phil Plait, Bad Astronomy, Slate, May 24, 2013

How Matt Ridley misinterpreted new climate sensitivity paper

A new paper suggesting temperatures might not rise as much as some models predict in the near future has been interpreted in some corners - notably by   Matt Ridley in the Times - as a sign that climate change no longer poses a problem. But the authors have spoken out against Ridley's arguments, highlighting why pinpointing earth's sensitivity to greenhouse gases relies on more than one estimate.

Scientists: How Matt Ridley misinterpreted new climate sensitivity paper by Roz Pidcock, The Carbon Brief, May 22, 2013

Is global warming cooler than expected?

Several leading authorities on climate change have given a guarded welcome to research suggesting the Earth may warm more slowly than scientists had expected.

Is Global Warming Cooler than Expected? by Alex Kirby and The Daily Climate, Scientific American, May 24, 2013

Limiting methane leaks critical to gas, climate benefits

Knowing how much methane is leaking from the natural gas system is essential to determining the potential climate benefits of natural gas use. Our extensive review of the publicly available studies finds that a pervasive lack of measurements makes it nearly impossible to know with confidence what the average methane leak rate is for the U.S. as a whole. More measurements, more reliable data, and better understanding of industry practices are needed.

Limiting Methane Leaks Critical to Gas, Climate Benefits, Climate Central, May 22, 2013

Making sense of the Moore OK tornado in a climate context

The devastating tornado that ripped apart Moore, Okla., on Monday now joins the ranks of America’s strongest twisters on record, coming almost exactly two years after a similarly extreme and deadly tornado struck Joplin, Mo. In trying to make sense of the tragedy that unfolded in Moore, here are some of the things we know and don't know about tornadoes, and whether or how climate change may be influencing them now and into the future.

Making Sense of the Moore Tornado in a Climate Context by Andrew Freedman, Climate Central, May 21, 2013

Matt Ridley's misguided climate change policy

In an opinion article for the London Times this past Monday, writer Matt Ridley discussed his interpretation of a new paper which suggests that the Earth's climate sensitivity may be a bit lower than current best estimates. Climate sensitivity refers to the average amount of warming that will occur at the Earth's surface in response to an increased greenhouse effect.

Matt Ridley's misguided climate change policy by Dana Nuccetelli, Climate Consesnus - the 97% Blog, The Guardian, May 23, 2013

No clear link between tornadoes and climate change

In the wake of extreme weather events, people often ask scientists if they can be linked to climate change. Naturally, questions are being asked about tornadoes following the tragic losses suffered in the region of Moore, Oklahoma on May 20, 2013 after an EF5 Tornado.

Evidence to Date Does Not Show Clear Link Between Tornadoes and Climate Change by Brenda Ekwurzel, Union of Concerned Scientists, May 22, 2013

On science, politics and climate change 

Another reason you don't want to have politicians mucking around in the nuts and bolts of science is that they often have a shaky grasp of the science at best. A case in point, Rep. Smith's understanding of the state of climate science. 

On Science, Politics and Climate Change by Bill Chameides, The Green Grok, Scientific American, May 22, 2013

Tornadoes and climate change: huge stakes, huge unknowns

And now, in May 2013, after another shattering EF-5 tornado in Moore, Oklahoma, residents of the Midwest must be wondering, are we back to the 2011 pattern? Which of these extremes is climate change most likely to bring about? Is climate change already affecting these storms? These are hugely important questions, but ones we don't have good answers for. 

Tornadoes and Climate Change: Huge Stakes, Huge Unknowns by Jeff Masters, Dr. Jeff Masters' WunderBlog, Weather Underground, May 23, 2013

Turning climate action into a reality

Global emissions just crossed 400 parts per million, an ominous threshold for the climate. Despite this marker, there are signs of new life for international climate action, including during the recent United Nation’s climate meeting in Bonn, Germany.

It’s become abundantly clear in order for the world to reach an international climate agreement by 2015, the usual approach isn’t going to work. World leaders need to find common ground and work toward solutions. They need to engage their citizens and infuse new passion into the issue. Climate change is not just an environmental issue – it is one of the great moral tests of our times.

Turning climate action into a reality by Ricardo Lagos, former President of Chile, Alertnet, May 23, 2013

U.S. carbon tax could boost revenue, curb climate change

A tax on carbon dioxide emissions could help the United States mitigate climate change while significantly increasing government revenue, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said this week. 

U.S. carbon tax could boost revenue, curb climate change - report by Joshua Lott, Reuters, May 23, 2013

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