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All IPCC definitions taken from Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Annex I, Glossary, pp. 941-954. Cambridge University Press.

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2014 SkS Weekly Digest #14

Posted on 6 April 2014 by John Hartz

SkS Highlights

Howard Lee's Alarming new study makes today’s climate change more comparable to Earth’s worst mass extinction attracted the most comments of the articles posted on SkS during the past week. Earth has a fever, but the heat is sloshing into the oceans by John Abraham garnered the second highest number of comments. Dana's IPCC report warns of future climate change risks, but is spun by contrarians was the third most commented upon.

Toon of the Week

 2014 Toon 14

h/t to I heart Climate Scientists

Quote of the Week

“The issue is not a lack of scientific evidence, the issue is the unwillingness of people and governments to act,” says oceanographer Ken Denman, a former federal scientist now at the University of Victoria who was a lead author on previous IPCC reports.

“It seems to defy logic,” Denman said in an interview Tuesday.

“But a lot of addictions defy logic,” he says, suggesting that is the root of the problem. “Our society is completely addicted to cheap power.”

B.C. climate change expert sees ‘brighter, smarter’ future for planet by Margaret Munro, The Vancouver Sun, Apr 1, 2014

SkS in the News

Blaine Skrainka interviewed John Cook for his The Wild blog post article, The Contrarian Complex. Here's the operative paragraph:

John Cook, the author of Climate Change Denial: Heads in the Sand, and founder of, a blog dedicated to exposing climate myths, tells me that because of continued public confusion, it’s important to provide “coverage of climate contrarians [that] places them in [a] broader context.” Skeptical Science has an entire section dedicated to countering the inaccuracies preached by Christopher Monckton, but Cook says that they have “paid less attention to Monckton over time, as he has become more marginalized and extremist in his views. He is notorious for promoting extreme and bizarre conspiracy theories.”

Juan Cole reposts Howard Lee's SkS article, Alarming new study makes today’s climate change more comparable to Earth’s worst mass extinction on his Informed Comment blog.

In his Slate article, Unnatural Disaster, David Auerbach references and links to the SkS article, Cherry picked and misrepresented climate science undermines FiveThirtyEight brand and to Dana's FiveThirtyEight undermines its brand by misrepresenting climate research posted on The Guardian.

Dana's Guardian article, IPCC report warns of future climate change risks, but is spun by contrarians is cited and linked to in:

SkS Spotlights

The Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre (ACE CRC) is Australia’s largest centre of Antarctic and Southern Ocean climate change research. Our research extends to include climate change impacts in Australia and Pacific. We have national and international extent and reach.

Antarctica and the Southern Ocean influence both the regional and global climate in profound ways. These vast areas will experience significant change as the world warms, and in turn those changes will impact on the global climate. Many of the impacts of climate change will be seen in the Southern Ocean and Antarctica before anywhere else on Earth.

It  is ACE’s role  to investigate the critical scientific uncertainties that limit the way Australia and the global community can respond to the impacts of these changes.  

SkS Week in Review 

Coming Soon on SkS 

  • IPCC says adapt and mitigate to tackle climate risks (Roz Pidcock)
  • Fox News climate change coverage is 28 percent accurate – believe it or not that's an improvement (Dana)
  • If growth of CO2 concentration causes only logarythmic temperature increase - why worry? (Marcin Popkiewicz)
  • The 'pause' in global warming is not even a thing (Graham Readfearn)
  • New Video: Abrupt Climate Change, and the Expected Unexpected (Peter Sinclair)
  • 2014 SkS Weekly News Roundup #15 (John Hartz)

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Comments 1 to 4:

  1. The Daily Fail has once again posted a pack of lies.

    The article claims that conclusions have been changed from the "original" WGII report, but what they actually do is quote sentences on one of a variety of opinions in the body of the report (Chapter 9 on migration, Chapter 12 on conflict), and present them as conclusions.

    IPCC have responded to the article.

    The references to the underlying report cited by the Mail on Sunday in contrast to the Summary for Policymakers also give a completely misleading and distorted impression of the report through selective quotation. For instance the reference to “environmental migrants” is a sentence describing just one paper assessed in a chapter that cites over 500 papers – one of five chapters on which the statement in the Summary for Policymakers is based. A quoted sentence on the lack of a strong connection between warming and armed conflict is again taken from the description of just one paper in a chapter that assesses over 600 papers. A simple keyword search shows many references to publications and statements in the report showing the opposite conclusion, and supporting the statement in the Summary that “Climate change can indirectly increase risks of violent conflicts in the form of civil war and inter-group violence...”.

    For instance, the Mail quotes this sentence as being the "original" conclusion.

    While alarmist predictions of massive flows of refugees are not supported by past experiences of responses to droughts and extreme weather events, predictions for future migration flows are tentative at best.

    But that is a verbatim quote from the abstract of one paper mentioned in Chapter 9 [Tacoli (2009)], and in no way a concluion.

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 12

    (Don't know if these are final. Seem to be)

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  2. Checked, they are the final drafts, yet to be edited.

    0 0
  3. Because the human psych is alien and that intellegence-wise we are barely at the cave mouth, its only natural that way deep down we will get off this planet - perhaps to return home?

    In a mad rush theres always stumbling, no and wrong decisions. Lets relax, just embrace GW and over population as prompts to capitalise on our technological prowess to make it all happen.  

    0 2
  4. At least future earthlings (if there are many) will find a wonderful record of how accurately we measured  our own destruction while doing nothing to stop it.

    1 0

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