SkS Weekly Digest #21
Posted on 24 October 2011 by John Hartz
SkS Highlights
The findings of the Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature study (BEST) were addressed in two SkS articles, Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature Study: “The effect of urban heating on the global trends is nearly negligible” by Andy S and The BEST Kind of Skepticism. Both articles have generated numerous comments.
Toon of the Week
If Climate Change was a Dog
The Week in Review
Here's a list of aticles posted on SkS during the past week.
Coming Soon
Here's a list of articles that are in the SkS pipeline. Most, but not necessarily all, will be posted during the week.
- 9 Months After McLean (Dana)
- Not so Permanent Permafrost (Agnostic)
- Is there a case against human caused global warming in the peer-reviewed literature? (Jim Powell)
- Yes, It's Still Us, and It's Still Bad (Dana)
- Economic growth and climate change (Perseus)
- Rethinking connection between soil as a carbon reservoir and global warming (John H)
SkS in the News
The Sydney Morning Herald has added a permanent link to SkS on its Environment webpage. The picture used and its caption are reprinted below:
Dana's Comparing Global Temperature Predictions has been reposted by Zachary Sahan on PlanetSave