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All IPCC definitions taken from Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Annex I, Glossary, pp. 941-954. Cambridge University Press.

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SkS at the AGU 2012 Fall Meeting

Posted on 30 November 2012 by John Cook

SkS will be quite active at next week's AGU 2012 Fall Meeting in San Francisco, presenting several posters, giving an invited talk and chairing an oral session (and also convening the now annual SkS shindig). Here is some of the activity, so if you're attending the meeting, please look us up!

Tue 4 Dec, 8:30am. Poster Session: Lessons for climate policy from The Great Stink of London (GC21E-1023)

Andy Skuce will be presenting a poster based on an SkS blog post Changing Climates, Changing Minds: The Great Stink of London from 8.30am. Click on the poster below for a high-rez version.

Tue 4 Dec, 1:40pm to 3:40pm. Oral Session: Facebook, Twitter, Blogs: Science Communication Gone Social—The Social Media (PA23B)

I'll be convening what looks to be a fascinating afternoon oral session on social media, featuring talks from a number of prominent bloggers:

  1. Zeke Hausfather: The role of science blogs in communication and collaboration
  2. Peter Sinclair: Effective Use of Social Media in Communicating Climate Science
  3. Michael Mann: Using Blogs and Social Media in the Battle to Communicate Climate Change: Lessons from The Front Lines
  4. Michael Tobis: How Climate Science Lost the Internet - and How We Can Win it Back Again
  5. Kevin Ward: Earth Matters: Promoting Science Exploration through Blogs and Social Media
  6. William Gunn: Creatiing a Collaborative Research Network for Scientists
  7. Laura Guertin: VoiceThread as a Peer Review and Dissemination Tool for Undergraduate Research
  8. Christopher Rowan: The many modes of Twitter: developing and maintaining a professional identity on Twitter

Wed 5 Dec, 1:40pm to 6:00pm. Poster: The Power of Online Community and Citizen Science (PA33A-1985)

I'll be presenting a poster showing how scientists and communicators can make use of online community, using many examples of how SkS has made an impact in communicating the realities of climate change.

Wed 5 Dec, 1:40pm to 6:00pm. Poster: Contact probe spectroscopy of snowpits in Finland (C33B-0651)

Mark Richardson will be presenting his work using field experiments to test the physics of snow and radiation. This physics can be used to improve measurements of how much snow there is from space to detect climate changes and help forecast water supplies and the chance of flooding when the snow melts.  Click on the poster to see a high-rez version.

Thu 6 Dec, 10:50am to 11:05am. Invited Talk: Addressing climate misinformation as an educational opportunity (ED42A)

I'll be giving an invited talk on how educators can address misinformation in the classroom as a way of teaching climate science in a compelling, engaging manner.

Thu 6 Dec, 1:40pm to 6:00pm: Understanding and Responding to Misinformation Posters (PA33A-1985)

Both Dana Nuccitelli and I will be presenting posters in a Thursday afternoon poster session on misinformation. Dana will be presenting the results of The Consensus Project, an analysis of the peer-reviewed literature that the SkS team has been working on since, well, last year's AGU Fall Meeting! I haven't uploaded the poster, as it's premature releasing the results online just yet.

I'll be presenting the results of research I've been conducting into the biasing influence of worldview on climate change attitudes. Here are all the posters in our session:

  • Kevin Trenberth: Understanding human-induced climate change (ED43D-0751)
  • Daniel Bedford: Debunking Climate Change Myths in the College Classroom (ED43D-0753)
  • Dana Nuccitelli: The Consensus Project: Survey of the peer-reviewed scientific literature to determine the degree of consensus on anthropogenic climate change (ED43D-0754)
  • John Cook: The Biasing Influence of Worldview on Climate Change Attitudes (ED43D-0756)
  • Stephan Lewandowsky: Coping with Misinformation: Corrections, Backfire Effects, and Choice Architectures (ED43D-0757)

It looks to be a typically crammed week of fascinating posters and talks and we're very much looking forward to meeting many scientists and communicators. So please do drop by to our talks and poster sessions to say hi!

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Comments 1 to 6:

  1. Looks fascinating. Wish I had the $$ and time to go (even though I'd be a fish out of water for most of the conference).
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  2. Please let us know if any of this gets recorded and available in a mp3 or streaming video link somewhere!
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  3. A good number of my colleagues will be there, and I'll tell them to contact you! Have a grreat time in SanFran, and wish I coud attend..maybe in '13! For those new to SF, do NOT miss Grotto No. 9. Lombard St's fine and dandy, but ya can't *eat* it! [;=P
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  4. John, I've put out an "APB' to USGS folks who plan to attend AGU, to come and see your presentation. I hope you will get to meet some.
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  5. John- I'll be at AGU, going to private meetings in nearby hotels, since I'm not a member. If you want to meet, please let me know at my regular email address, or this one: I will be at a lunch meeting on Monday that maybe you could join us for. Alternatively, I am arriving early Sunday, and if you're in town then that could be a good day.
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  6. It's excellent that somebody (Andy!) has done a more formal connection between London's former lethal problem with missing sewers and our problem with CO2. It's such a fine parallel; excrement is found in nature, is plant food, etc. but we don't pretend we can dump it willy-nilly without facing consequences. Our present CO2 effluent has been fairly easy to ignore because until recently we've assumed our sewer pipe entirely empties into the future. When we think it's not us who're being covered in our crap but our descendants we really don't give a s__t, so to speak. Along those lines, as the length of our "cloaca maxima" into the future appears to be shrinking our interest in repairing the problem is becoming more urgent.
    0 0

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