At a glance - Is the CO2 effect saturated?
Posted on 9 January 2024 by John Mason, BaerbelW
On February 14, 2023 we announced our Rebuttal Update Project. This included an ask for feedback about the added "At a glance" section in the updated basic rebuttal versions. This weekly blog post series highlights this new section of one of the updated basic rebuttal versions and serves as a "bump" for our ask. This week features "Is the CO2 effect saturated?". More will follow in the upcoming weeks. Please follow the Further Reading link at the bottom to read the full rebuttal and to join the discussion in the comment thread there.
At a glance
This myth relies on the use (or in fact misuse) of a particular word – 'saturated'. When someone comes in from a prolonged downpour, they may well exclaim that they are saturated. They cannot imagine being any wetter. That's casual usage, though.
In science, 'saturated' is a strictly-defined term. For example, in a saturated salt solution, no more salt will dissolve, period. But what's that got to do with heat transfer in Earth's atmosphere? Let's take a look.
Heat-trapping by CO2 in the atmosphere happens because it has the ability to absorb and pass on infra-red radiation – it is a 'greenhouse gas'. Infra-red is just one part of the electromagnetic spectrum, divided by physicists into a series of bands. From the low-frequency end of the spectrum upwards, the bands are as follows: radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma rays. Gamma rays thus have a very high-frequency. They are the highest-energy form of radiation.
As our understanding of the electromagnetic spectrum developed, it was realised that the radiation consists of particles called 'photons', travelling in waves. The term was coined in 1926 by the celebrated physicist Gilbert Lewis (1875-1946). A photon's energy is related to its wavelength. The shorter the wavelength, the higher the energy, so that the very high-energy gamma-rays have the shortest wavelength of the lot.
Sunshine consists mostly of ultraviolet, visible light and infra-red photons. Objects warmed by the sun then re-emit energy photons at infra-red wavelengths. Like other greenhouse gases, CO2 has the ability to absorb infra-red photons. But CO2 is unlike a mop, which has to be wrung out regularly in order for it to continue working. CO2 molecules do not get filled up with infra-red photons. Not only do they emit their own infra-red photons, but also they are constantly colliding with neighbouring molecules in the air. The constant collisions are important. Every time they happen, energy is shared out between the colliding molecules.
Through those emissions and collisions, CO2 molecules constantly warm their surroundings. This goes on all the time and at all levels in the atmosphere. You cannot say, “CO2 is saturated because the surface-emitted IR is rapidly absorbed”, because you need to take into account the whole atmosphere and its constant, ongoing energy-exchange processes. That means taking into account all absorption, all re-emission, all collisions, all heating and cooling and all eventual loss to space, at all levels.
If the amount of radiation lost to space is equal to the amount coming in from the Sun, Earth is said to be in energy balance. But if the strength of the greenhouse effect is increased, the amount of energy escaping falls behind the amount that is incoming. Earth is then said to be in an energy imbalance and the climate heats up. Double the CO2 concentration and you get a few degrees of warming: double it again and you get a few more and on and on it goes. There is no room for complacency here. By the time just one doubling has occurred, the planet would already be unrecognisable. The insulation analogy in the myth is misleading because it over-simplifies what happens in the atmosphere.
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The sceptics claim that the CO2 warming effect is already saturated or is close to being saturated is clearly false. It seems to originate with the assertion that the surface receives about 3.7 W/m2 more energy each time CO2 is doubled ie: a logarthmic curve. This means eventually it would take a huge volume of additional CO2 (presumably over a long time period) to add an extra 3.7W / m2. Which they suggest means the effect is essentially then saturated, but without specifying a precise number (how convenient of them).
I see that the article mentions that this assertion about a logarithmic relationship may have been proven false by He et al. 2023, (?) and it also depends on emissions trajectories and other factors, but assuming the logarithmic relationship is simplistically true a look at radiative forcing versus CO2 concentration below and a bit of maths and its obvious the warming effect is not saturated and we are not yet near saturation:
My back of envelope maths: In 1960s CO2 was 320 ppm ppm so doubling would be 640 ppm at around roughly year 2100 assuming BAU emissions. This coincides with the IPCC warming projection of 3 - 5 degrees C by 2100.
The next doubling is from from 640 to 1280 is a larger volume of CO2 and would presumably take longer to around year 2300 assuming the same BAU CO2 growth trend and other things being equal. Projections of warming by the IPCC by 2300 are not surprisingly around 8 - 10 degress C for this further doubling of CO2. Such a quantity of CO2 is large but may possibly be feasible given reserves of fossil fuels and uncertainties arount that.
The next doubling from 1280 to 2560 would lead to something like 15 degrees C and is a huge volume of CO2 that would take many centuries and would almost certainly exhaust reserves of fossil fuels, and most probably well before 15 degrees is reached. We could say this is the point of saturation in a practical sense. Its of no comfort because we would have had at least 5 degrees of warming and probably more, and not even factoring in tipping points.
Someone check my maths its very rough, but the sceptics claims are clearly false and meaningless.
I think this is where data from paleoclimatology can help as well. Three recent studies have looked at the earth's temperature vs CO2 during the Cenozoic period, Rae et al., Honisch et al., and Tierney et al. . Each of those show that the temperature of ancient earth continues to rise as CO2 increases. As I understand it the first two are based solely on proxy data while the Tierney effort includes modeling to try and correlate the data geographically and temporally.
All of these are concerned with earth system sensitivities that include both short term climate responses plus slower feedback processes that can take millenia, e.g. growth and melting of continental ice sheets. Both Rae and Honisch include reference lines for 8 C / doubling of CO2. In both cases, almost all the data lie below those reference lines suggesting that 8 C / doubling is an upper bound or estimate of earth's equilibrium between temperature and CO2. Also notice that there quite is a bit of spread in the data.
In contrast, when Tierney et al. include modeling they get a much better correlation of T and CO2. They find that their data is best correlated with 8.2 C / doubling, r = 0.97. Again, this represents an equilibrium that can take millenia to achieve but does to my way of thinking represent "nature's equilibrium" between T and CO2.
In these comparisons, the researchers define changes in temperature relative to preindustrial conditions, CO2 = 280 ppm. For Tierney's correlation then on geological timescale, the temperature would increase by 8.2 C at 560 ppm. At our present value of 420 ppm there would be 3.7 C of apparent warming potential above our 1.1 C increase already achieved as of 2022, i.e., global warming in the pipeline if you will.
Bottom line, based on paleoclimatological data, there is no apparent saturation level of CO2.
When I first sat up and took notice of global warming was when I started reading palaeoclimate studies (a very long time ago now). As a geologist trained to read 'what rocks have to tell', I quickly realised we were heading straight for trouble. Big trouble.
I am not science trained but trying to understand. This rebuttal doesn't mention the alleged evidence presented in the paper "Climatic consequences of the process of saturation of radiation absorption in gases" by Kubicki and others - or does it? The current denialism talking point is that additional CO2 has now been shown to have no additional warming effect, and claims new proofs of this:
re - # 4: I've just taken a look at that paper. The reason we didn't mention it was that it came out very recently.
This however is part of the conclusion:
"However, the intention of the authors of this article is not to encourage anyone to degrade the natural environment. Coal and petroleum are valuable chemical resources, and due to their finite reserves, they should be utilized sparingly to ensure they last for future generations. Furthermore, intensive coal mining directly contributes to environmental degradation (land drainage, landscape alteration, tectonic movements). It should also be considered that frequently used outdated heating systems burning coal and outdated internal combustion engines fueled by petroleum products emit many toxic substances (which have nothing to do with CO2). Therefore, it seems that efforts towards renewable energy sources should be intensified, but unsubstantiated arguments, especially those that hinder economic development, should not be used for this purpose."
In scientific literature, a conclusion should be about the work that was done, and not an arm-waving diatribe! The Introduction likewise gives its first 400 plus words over to arm-wavy waffle about the IPCC. I'm surprised it got beyond peer review on that basis. Indeed, its submission/acceptance dates (Received 4 December 2023, Accepted 11 December 2023) suggests it never was reviewed. In most cases a period of months divides those two dates because the peer review process is quite slow. These are all warning signs that 'something is up' with this item.
Theo Simon @4 :
As John Mason says @5 , there are certainly some Red Flags attached to that Kubicki paper ~ including it's citations of papers by Harde; by Humlum; and by Idso . . . those prominent luminati of the Alternate Universe.
Theo, to save your reading time in future ~ whenever you see a "gotcha" article in NoTricksZone .com , claiming that the mainstream science (of anything) is quite wrong . . . then there's a roughly 99% probability that the article is a load of taurine excrement [abbreviation = BS ].
Reading the cited [Kubicki] article's Abstract quickly demonstrates that the authors have simply failed to understand the basic physics of the atmosphere & GreenHouse Effect [abbreviation = GHE ]. And this first impression gets confirmed by reading the article's Conclusions, which are comprised of an excessive amount of word salad and bizarro politics.
Kubicki et al. seem to have discovered ideas that have been well & truly debunked . . . many decades ago. If only the authors had troubled to have their "novel" ideas reviewed by experts, before presenting their paper to the world ! They could have saved themselves so much embarrassment, as well as saving dollars.
Thanks, I did notice that it was taking a position, which I took as a red flag. But I struggled to understand if it was making new claims regarding saturation, based on new experimental evidence, or if the explanations on this page essentially cover it already.
I'd be very interested to know how valid this papers arguments are and if they have been rebuffed, or found wanting in peer review, as I think this line of attack will be a very popular one in the coming months. I've already met it from numerous trolls elsewhere who currently think it's their "gotcha!"
Denialist "Gotcha" papers pop up most years, gain a lot of traction in those circles and then decay away to hardly anything, then that's it until the next one comes along!
Theo Simon @7 :
Theo, please don't waste your time (or anyone's) in going through the details of that Kubicki paper.
It is just like when you encounter someone's submitted "paper" showing (with an avalanche of complex mathematics & diagrams) why his design for a Perpetual Motion Machine is certain to work beautifully, as soon as he gets finance to build it. You yourself know that there must be one or more errors buried away in the midst of his presentation ~ but why would you bother to search? Life is too short and precious, to spend time dissecting some crackpot ideas which have already been proven to be fundamentally flawed. Proven and re-proven to be garbage.
NoTricksZone is a cynical recycler of nonsenses, to get clicks & profits ~ and happily recycles any garbage which the climate-science denialists themselves keep recycling at intervals. But I admit to some interest in the psychology of how & why some people with science degrees, even professorships - usually Emeritus types - manage to delude themselves in various ways. Yes, they are often misreported . . . and yet they seem mostly motivated by rather extremist political views and are handicapped by their own Motivated Reasoning.
Theo Simon @7 and earlier :-
I should have mentioned that, if you still have a nagging doubt and wonder if Kubicki et al. have really made an astounding breakthrough ~ then the easy course for you is to put your feet up and relax and observe for 6 or 7 months.
Because in October or November this year (2024) the Nobel Committee will maybe be announcing Kubicki & colleagues have won the Nobel Prize in Physics. If that were to happen . . . then all over the world, the enjoyers of scrambled eggs would celebrate a collapse in the price of their favorite egg-dish . . . as a million physicists wipe all the egg off their own faces. And the name Kubicki will rival the fame of Einstein ! (Excuse my flippancy.)
Taking a quick look at that paper, I see it refers to Angstrom's work in 1900 to support their "saturation" argument. This is already discussed in the Advanced tab of the detailed "Is the CO2 effect saturated?" post that this at-a-glance introduces. Short version - we've learned a few things since Angstrom wrote his paper in 1900.
Searching the recent paper for "saturation", it seems that they are using the typical fake skeptic approach that applies the Beer-Lambert law (which is exponential in nature, and a standard part of radiation transfer theory) to the atmosphere as a whole. That is - they look at whether or not IR radiation can make it through the atmosphere in a single pass.
To nobody's surprise, this turns out to not be the case - IR radiation in the bands absorbed by CO2 rarely makes it directly from the earth's surface to space. The energy in the photons needs to go through a series of absorption/re-emission cycles as it gradually works its way up through the atmosphere. When these processes are included in the calculations, it turns out that this particular flavour of the "saturation" argument falls flat on its face, and adding more CO2 (compared to our current levels) does indeed have an effect.
Executive Summary: the authors of that paper have no idea how the greenhouse effect works, as Eclectic has stated.
Read the full rebuttal here for more discussion - and the details of the Beer-Lambert Law are also discussed in this SkS blog post.
Elsevier is usually considered a reputable publisher, but they screwed up on this one. The rapid passage from "received" to "accepted" is indeed a red flag. The journal - Applications in Engineering Science - is clearly an off-topic journal for this paper. On the page I link to, it mentions "time to first decision" as 42 days, and "review time" of 94 days. If you click on "View all insights", you get to this page that also gives "Submission to acceptance" as 77 days, and "acceptance to publication" as five days. The seven days for this paper (from "received" to "accepted") is, shall we say, a bit shorter than usual?
It is worth noting that several other papers in the same issue also have very short times between "received" and "accepted". Of the four I looked at, none of them had any indication that the authors were asked to revise anything, which is rather unusual. Someone at that journal is in a rush.
(If you click on "What do these dates mean?", below the title/author section of the web page for the appear, it specifically states that "received" is the date of the original submission, and they will say "revised" if a more recent version is submitted - e.g. after review.)
Thanks Bob - and all of you - for taking the time to answer me. I'm just one of many lay people trying to raise the awareness, and we don't always have sufficient science training to be sure of our ground, so it's very helpful when you engage, without too much impatience! Thanks for all you are doing.
The paper Kubicki et al (2024) 'Climatic consequences of the process of saturation of radiation absorption in gases' is utter garbage from start to finish. When something is so bad, it is a big job setting straight the error-on-error presented.
As an exemplar of the level of nonsense, consider the opening paragraph, sentence by sentence.
I'd assume this is saying that the atmosphere contains gases (or "vapours" if you are pre-Victorian) which absorb certain IR wavelengths emitted by the Earth's surface. Calling this "overlap" is very odd.
The absorption if IR does lead to "an increase in their temperature" but the emission from atmospheric gases is determined by its temperature. Absorbed IR only very rarely results in a re-emission of IR (and if it does, the IR energy is not cause "increase in their temperature").
This is not how the greenhouse effect works. For wavelengths longer than the limit for its temperature defined by 'black body' physicis (for the Earth, about 4 microns), the planet emits IR across the entire spectrum. The level of emission depends on the temperature of the point of emission which for wavelengths where greenhouse gases operate is not the surface but up in the atmosphere. For IR in the 15 micron band, CO2 will result in emissions to space from up in the atmosphere where it is colder and thus where emissions are less. If adding CO2 moves the height of emission up into a colder altitude, emissions will fall and the Earth then has to heat up to regain thermal equilibrium.
This was perhaps true before the 1950s but the absorption/emission of IR by various gasses was identified and measured when the USAF began to develop IR air-to-air missiles. The warming-effect of a doubling of CO2 (a radiative forcing of +3.7Wm^-2) has been established for decades.
So just like debating science with nextdoor's cat, taking the heed the whitterings of Messers Kubicki, Kopczyński & Młyńczak is a big big waste of time.
Thanks for that, MA Rodger @13.
Possibly - just possibly - the ultimate Thumbs-Down on the Kubicki et al. paper . . . is that it has not been trumpeted at WUWT website (which usually trumpets any crackpot paper which seems "anti-mainstream" science. And that's despite many of the WUWT denizens regularly/continually asserting that the CO2-GreenHoouse Effect was now irrelevant (because "saturated") or was always non-valid anyway.
Now perhaps I have failed to remember "Kubicki" being a Nine-Day Wonder at WUWT ~ or perhaps I failed to notice "Kubicki" among the mountainous garbage-pile accumulating at WUWT. But as a final check, I used the WUWT Search Function . . . and turned up Nothing.
Something of Contrarian pretensions would need to be pretty bad, not to get 15-minutes of fame at WUWT. But maybe I speak too soon?
Eclectic @14,
You say the work of these jokers Kubicki, Kopczyński & Młyńczak failed the WUWT test, being too bonkers even for Anthony Willard Watts to cope-with. I would say Watts has happily promoted work just as bonkers in the past.
And as you say, there is no WUWT coverage of this Kubicki et al 2024 paper although Google shows it is mentioned once in one of the comment threads, as is an earlier paper from the same jokers. Indeed, there are two such earlier papers from 2020 and 2022. Thankfully, these are relatively brief and thus they easily expose the main error these jokers are promoting.
In Kubicki et al (2020) they kick-off by misusing the Schwarzschild equation. The error they employ even gets a mention within this Wiki-ref which says:-
They then measure the radiation from the Moon through a chamber either filled with air or with CO2 and show there is no difference and thus, as their misuse of Schwarzschild suggests, that the Earth's CO2 is "saturated." In preparing for this grand experiment, they research the thermal properties of the Moon as an IR source and thus tell us:-
This well demonstrates that these jokers are on a different planet to us as it is well know our Moon only manages 120ºC under the equatorial noon-day sun.
The paper by Kubicki, Kopczyński, and Młyńczak., “Climatic consequence of the process of saturation of radiation absorption in gases,” Applications in Engineering Science, Vol. 17, March 2024 has been retracted by Elsevier. “After review by additional expert referees, the Editor-in-Chief has lost confidence in the validity of the paper and has decided to retract.”
Not explained in the retraction, but according to my interpretation in addition to the previous posts, Kubicki, et al., describe the emitted intensity for one monochromatic transmittance line for methane at 3.39 microns. However, when they describe absorptance for CO2, the description changes from a single line to a spectrum. They do not integrate the intensity of single lines for all lines in the full spectrum, which is the straightforward approach used in atmospheric radiation models and climate models. Rigorous models use line-by-line calculations while simple models utilize narrow bands for calculation efficiency with minimal loss of accuracy. Instead, Kubicki, et al., introduce a definition of “saturation mass” that reaches 95% of maximum value of absorptance for a large band for an unspecified wavelength range. They support their concept by describing experiments for a detected value at the end of a tube. This experimental design does not account for re-radiation in any direction apart from a straight line.
Thanks for that update, Charlie Brown.
I quick search over at PubPeer finds this short page with a few comments, including the retraction notice:
The Kubicki paper seems much the same as those from Happer, Van Wijngaarden, Lindzen, Schildknect and others who all centre their conclusions around the ability of co2 above 300ppm to absorb infrared radiation only at a diminishing logarithmic rate, not comlete but near saturation. I assume the IPCC models include this information as it was mentioned on their website about 20 years ago so they are aware.
I'm guessing that there has been some more recent finding or mechanism by which co2 is declared culpable of creating warming, could someone bring me up to speed please?
[PS] You can see responses to Kubicki by atmospheric physicists here.
sychodefender at 18:
What is your point? All the authors you mention have serious problems in their analysis, so you won't find their results given any credence in the IPCC summaries.
There is no such thing as "the IPCC models". The IPCC reports are a review of the scientific literature, so any models they discuss are models that are developed by individual scientists or groups. Those scientists cooperate on model comparison studies. RealClimate keeps a permanent page on CMIP model comparison results.
There is no need for climate science to come up with a "more recent finding or mechanism" to refute that list of authors, as those authors do not refute the previously-existing understanding that explains current warming (and predicts future warming). Since the old understanding isn't broken, it doesn't need fixing.
Also note that these "at a glance" posts include a link to full rebuttals of the myth, at the bottom of the post (Click for further details), above the list of other rebuttals.
sychodefender @18,
It is incorrect to group the work of Lindzen with that of Kubickiet al, Van Wijngaarden & Happer and that of Schildknect. Lindzen does not dispute the calculated forcing resulting from increasing CO2. His argument is that the resulting feedbacks counteracts the effect of such forcings rather that amplifying them. Dispite may attempts, Lindzen has yet to provide a satisfactory basis for his claim.
The others you list are sinilar in that their basic thesis ignores the IR emissions from the atmospheric gases like CO2 which are generated through the kinetic molecular actions (and thus are dependent on temperature). Such IR comprises the vast majority of IR absotption/emmision within the atmosphere and is readily shown through measurement. Instead, the likes of Kubickiet al, Van Wijngaarden & Happer and Schildknect examine solely the IR directly resulting from surface-emitted IR. Because of such childish error, their work is deemed nonsensical and igmored or, as is the case with Kubicki et al (2024), retracted.
Thanks for the rapid replies. I understand that co2 absorbs and constantly re-emits in all directions but I'm wondering how this additional kinetic energy comes into existence?
Just to be clear, are you saying that co2 does not have a diminishing logarithmic effect ?
The moderator kindly provided a link to a page showing a graph from Zhong and Haigh 2013, which plots a distinct levelling off as co2 levels rise, a logarithmic response that surely can only have a very slow impact on warming.
Apologies if I am traveling old ground but I'm trying to explain this to my children and they are inquisitive!
Thanks for providing follow-up questions. It helps us determine just what it is you are trying to understand, and what information we can pass on to help. It is often difficult to know what a person already knows, and what level of explanation is needed.
First, for your question in #21 about where the energy comes from for re-emission of IR radiation.
A key aspect of this is that to understand how CO2 affects climate, a model has to look at all energy flows - not just radiation transfer. Adding CO2 alters the radiation part of the equation, but you can't just isolate the radiation terms. You need to watch that energy play out in the system as the thermal energy and latent heat terms respond.
Here is a diagram that shows those energy transfers (global averages) pictorially. Note that there are additional fluxes of energy within the atmosphere and back from the atmosphere to the surface. In a full climate model, you also need to consider how these vary globally, and over time (daily, seasonally, etc.)
I'll answer your other question in another comment.
Now for the question posed in #22, about the logarithmic effect of CO2.
There is more than one place in the CO2/climate system where we see logarithmic relationships.
The first place is in the fundamental aspect of the absorption of IR radiation by CO2 (or other greenhouse gases, such as methane). This is described mathematically by Beer's Law, which you can read about on Wikipedia, or by reading this post I made here at SkS about three years ago.
Those "skeptical" of the CO2 effect on climate focus on this "many layers already absorb all the IR" case and then argue "adding more CO2 will not absorb any more". They are wrong.
The catch is that this "saturation" idea only applies when you look at IR radiation that started in the beginning and passed through all those layers. There are two issues with this:
There is another important place where a logarithmic relationship is seen. In Beer's Law, we talked about a layer containing something that absorbs IR radiation. What happens to the absorption ratio if we double the amount of CO2?
Whenever you see a "saturation" or "logarithmic" argument, you need to try to understand which version someone is claiming. The key error in all of them is that they are isolating one small part of a complex system and ignoring other parts that are affected by increasing CO2. Only by including the complex relationships among all the parts of the system can you determine the warming effects of CO2.
Thanks Bob, I will try to take this all in, appreciate your very comprehensive replies.
sychodefender @18 and @22
The band saturation effect does have a diminishing logarithmic curve as explained by Bob Loblaw and as shown in Fig. 6a of Zhong & Haigh 2023. But the rate of modern global warming has not diminished to being negligible. Your descriptors of the effect: "distinct leveling off" and "surely can only have a very slow impact on warming" are misleading toward an incorrect conclusion.
I described the main problem with Kubicki, et al., above @16.
I described the main problem with Wijngaarden & Happer in “Is the CO2 effect saturated?” @716, page 29, Oct 5, 2024.
[BL] A direct link to Charlie Brown's comment #716 is here. There are discussions of work by Wijngaarden and Happer earlier in the comment thread.
Sychodefender: note that the main article on the "Is the CO2 effect saturated" rebuttal has many, many comments. Some are useful; some are extremely misguided attempts to argue in favour of the myth. In some cases, a head vice is needed.
Addendum: comments from Charlie Brown fall in the "useful" class.
Feel free to ask additional questions, and feel free to provide additional information on the parts you feel you do understand, as well as parts that seem to be more difficult. You can add links in your comments (the chain link icon on the Insert tab) to point to sources that you have used to inform yourself, or ones that raise questions you are not sure of.
The climate system is a complex system. There are simple models that help explain some of the simpler concepts - but they leave out the complex, subtle details, in order to make the simple aspects easier to see and understand. The complex models are as difficult to understand as complex weather data - many, many variables and relationships to follow.
The common problem in many contrarian papers that think they are disproving generally-accepted climate science is that they take models that are too simple and think that some odd feature in their simple model is the Ultimate Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything (when in reality that odd feature is just something their model gets wrong).
Hi Bob, interested to hear your comments on this paper regarding co2. Isotopes.,an%20established%20standard%20reference%20material
[PS] Link fixed. Please learn how to do this yourself using the link tool in the comment editor (looks like a chain).
BTW, the argument is nonsense, (from long term denier). See the published response in same journal.
It's an MDPI journal - strike 1
The author is Koutsoyiannis - strike 2.
It looks like the same crap he's previously published, which has been previously debunked - strike 3.
Also read the comments to that SkS post, and the comments include links to a post at AndTheTheresPhysics, and a discussion at PubPeer). In fact, there are several links in my comment #3 on the SkS post that are worth reading.
Shorter version, it's a waste of time.
Thanks Bob I'm learning a lot, here's one more question.
We know that increased temperature evaporates more H2O from seas and lakes, this water vapour is a strong greenhouse gas being responsible for over 50% of warming. Co2 is also emitted, both impede rising infrared and the surface gets warmer, causing even more evaporation in a self sustaining loop.
Thankfully the earth possesses a natural mechanism to stop this run away heating so we don't burn up.
This process has been in operation for millennia, keeping the planets energy equilibrium whenever temperature began to rise. The reasons for it rising might be volcanic emissions including co2, tectonic, milankovitch cycles, higher sun radiance etc all raising temperature in a completely natural way and as a consequence more co2 was emitted, loop begins.
My question is if the planet could adjust and regain it equilibrium in the past, why can't it do it now?
The seas and land sinks will not reach co2 saturation for another century.
Is it possible that the limited remaining and slowly diminishing ability of co2 to absorb infrared acts as a natural safety valve preventing excessive warming?
All these enquiries originate from my daughter who is working on a project for school.
Thanks again for your patience.????
sychodefender @ 30:
The ultimate limiting factor for warming induced by greenhouse gas increases is the infrared radiation emitted to space from the upper part of the atmosphere. As the earth-atmosphere system heats up (primary a surface effect in the case of greenhouse gases) more IR is emitted to space, and (hopefully) eventually balances again. Think of it in stages:
So, ultimately, the ability to regain equilibrium requires that the system respond to a point where IR loss to space - from the upper part of the atmosphere (you'll often see "TOA" to indicate "Top of Atmosphere") can rebalance the energy absorbed from the sun. In a stable climate, you can have short-term shifts away from equilibrium, but this "energy balance with space" will keep pulling the climate back to its stable position - kind of like a marble rolling around in the bottom of a round bowl.
So, next let's think about feedbacks, such as the "CO2 warming increases water vapour, increases warming, increases water vapour" go-on-forever loop. SkS does have a lengthy discussion of that topic, on this thread here, but let's take a quick look at it now.
Let's look at this graphically. The following image shows 10 time steps with eight different feedback multipliers.
Note some key features in the figure:
Note that I threw in a multiplier of -0.5, too. This is a negative feedback, opposing the initial change. The final change is 0.67, not 1.0.
Also, note that you can find out more about these issues by using the search box on the SkS web page (upper left), or by looking at the Most Used Myths list (linked below the search box and social media emblems).
[BL] To add a note to this: if you follow the link I gave to the SkS runaway feedback rebuttal, you'll note that the discussion of feedback "gain" in that post (Intermediate tab) used a gain of 1 to indicate "no feedback", whereas I use "multiplier of 0" to indicate "no feedback". Either one works, as long as you do the math appropriately within each system of equations.
sychodefender @30,
Another take on answering you questioning....
As you say, the climate forcing from mankind's CO2 emissions does cause feedbacks, these most evident in the water cycle, humidity, cloud cover, cloud height (this last the least understood). But there is no "self-sustaining loop" or even any significant CO2 emissions consequent from mankind's emissions as a feedback. There is thus no need for a natural mechanism to prevent run-away global warming.
You mention CO2 in this "natural mechanism" and CO2 has operated naturally as the major control knob for the climate through the eons. (Calling CO2 the 'control knob' should not be in any way controiversial.) The ancient Earth's climate is a bit of a mystery as the sun was less energetic in the early solar system (and from its weak beginning will continue to strengthen) and with no means of knowing the ancient atmospheric composition the 'faint sun paradox' remains unexplained. More recently, over the last 500 million years the temperature record is reasonably well known. (Through that time the sun has brightened by about 5% which is a climate forcing equivalent to roughly a quadrupling of CO2.)
There are a few very-long-term mechanisms at work altering the carbon available for the carbon cycle (in the atmosphere, bliosphere and ocean waters, these being in equilibrium for multi-millenial periods).
Taking CO2 from the atmosphere into rocks as coal was a major process in warm climates for early parts of this 500My period as back then fungi were not well developed enough to decompose plants which could thus be buried and turned to coal. Modern fungi prevents such significant coal formation.
A second mechanism is the water-weathering of mountain rocks which allows the formation of carboniferous rock in sea water. When the 700Gt(C) humanity has emitted so far has reachen equilibrium between biosphere, ocean and atmosphere (which takes abut a millenium), the remaining 25% of our emissions in the atmosphere (assuming only natural processes) will require rock-weathering to be extracted, this taking tens of millenia to complete. At a similar rate of action, the formation of the Himalayas and associated increase in rock-weathering has seen the atmospheric CO2 content drop over the last 50 million years and with it the cooling of the planet.
Once this deposit of carbon into the geology occurs, it is volcanism that works to return it to the carbon cycle. Thus when the planet is so cold that there is no rain to weather rocks and no significant biosphere at work, the volcanic activity will slowly pump CO2 back into the atmosphere restoring the level of greenhouse effect. The emissions are very small relative to mankind's emissions (perhaps about 1%).
You mention Milankovitch cycles which have been waggling the planet's temperature for the past 3 million years (initially as a 40ky cycle, then 100ky).
The Milankovitch cycles are not so strong in themselves but are amplified by positive feedbacks. Within these cycles, CO2 is part of that positive feedback (increasing the size of the wobbles) with carbon being locked away under frozen land and in cooling oceans under increased sea ice. However the big driver of recent ice ages is albedo not CO2.
You mention the logarithmic relationship between CO2 levels and climate forcing. This is an empirical relationship for concentrations in the range 150ppm to 1300ppm. As Zhong & Haig (2013) fig 6 shows, beyond 1300ppm the forcings increase faster than logarithmic. By then, of course, an increase in the CO2 consentrations would need to be four-times an increase to add the same extra forcing. But we don't want to be creating a world with 1300ppm. It would have already been under a forcing of 8.4Wm^-2 from the extra CO2, perhaps global warming of +7ºC.
It would be helpful if we know how old your daughter is. The answers appropriate for a 10 year old are different from an 18 year old.
The Earth currently cannot reach equilibrium because humans continue to release CO2. When we stop polluting most effects will reach equilibrium in 50 years or so. Some slow effects like melting Greenland and Antarctia might take several thousand years to reach equilibrium. Actions we take today will affect peoples lives in 5,000 years!
It is not clear when the sea and land sinks will reach saturation. Each has multiple components which will react differently to CO2 pollution. For example increased atmospheric CO2 increases the concentration of CO2 in cold water but increased temperature decreases the concentration in warm water. Pray that the sinks keep working in the future.
I don't think diminishing CO2 absorbtion of IR will help us much but another negative feedback might.
The most important thing is to reduce CO2 pollution as much as possible as fast as possible to limit the damage done. Hopng for good luck is not as good a strategy as reducing the damage done.
Hi MA Rodger, thanks for your reply.
Please can you just clarify one thing from your paragraph below, are you saying that the temperature rise attributable to anthropological co2 at 800ppm would be insufficient to trigger a significant H2O feedback, or am I misinterpreting?
"As you say, the climate forcing from mankind's CO2 emissions does cause feedbacks, these most evident in the water cycle, humidity, cloud cover, cloud height (this last the least understood). But there is no "self-sustaining loop" or even any significant CO2 emissions consequent from mankind's emissions as a feedback. There is thus no need for a natural mechanism to prevent run-away global warming"
sychodefender @34,
So if there were a doubling of CO2, this would imposed a climate forcing of +3.7Wm^-2 on the planet. And this would begin to warm the planet with some +1.25ºC warming arriving in a decade (and the remainder taking far longer having to warm up deep oceans and melt ice caps).
This warming will act to restore the planet's temperature equilibrium but the warming is being amplified due to the water content of the atmosphere. Physics tells us that increased evaporation adds 7% H2O capacity for every +1ºC and measurement shows this is happening.
Being itself a greenhouse gas and with the altitude of cloud formation in a warmer atmosphere, this extra H2O adds to the required warming to reach equilibrium. It's roughly three steps forward, two steps back.
So after that decade, assuming constant CO2 since the doubling, the remaining imbalance would be about +2.3Wm^-2. The warming so far will have seen the imbalance drop, +1.4Wm-2 due to CO2 and +2.8Wm^-2 from the H2O.
Note that the H2O feedback works very quickly. As soon as there is a temperature rise, the water will be evapourating from the oceans with the march towards equilibrium being thus that three steps forward, two back.
Thats the basic version. It gets much more complicated in the detail.
sychodefender @ 34:
For feedbacks, they start as soon as any system change occurs. When CO2 rises, it take a bit of time for temperature to rise, and then once temperature rises, atmospheric water vapour will rise, which will have a greenhouse gas heating effect (after a bit of time...), etc.
...but I have left "a bit of time" undefined for the moment. There are many different factors that take varying amounts of time to respond to changes. MA Rodger's response @ 35 touches on several of these factors.
Obviously, day-to-day weather causes changes in temperature, which will cause day-to-day feedback effects, etc. When we talk in terms of climate, though, we are more interested in the persistent changes, and how factors relate over longer periods of time. We also often talk about averages over large areas, not local effects such as your back yard.
Taking MA Rodgers statement about "increased evaporation adds 7% H2O capacity for every +1ºC", we are talking about longer term effects - e.g. decades. You won't see this simple a relationship when discussing day-to-day local weather. This relationship is looking at global trends over decades.
We can't instantaneously double atmospheric CO2 in the real world (thankfully!), but we can in a climate model. Back in 1981, Hansen et al published a well-known paper on CO2 and climate that included an interesting diagram.
They ran a computer model where they instantaneously doubled atmospheric CO2, and their figure 4 shows how energy fluxes changed over time.
This is a somewhat complex diagram, so bear with me a bit.
Hopefully this is not too hard to follow. As stated before, climate is a complex system. It gets quite difficult to to isolate changes in one part from another. Looking at one part can help understanding - but you do need to be careful about over-emphasizing what you see in that one part (and missing another important part). Much of what you can call "contrarian" positions involves over-simplifying the system, to the peril of leaving out parts that do matter. You're doing the right thing by asking questions.
[BL] Adding a note to my own post. I have given the reference to Hansen et al (1981) more or less in full, but you can get more information about the paper using Skeptical Science's Glossary (in the resources menu). The paper is listed there - but you can get instant access to the details by hovering your mouse over the title in my reference. Unless you have turned the Glossary feature off, you'll see a pop-up with the full listing - plus a link to a PDF of the paper and the DOI leading to the journal/paper.