Skeptical Science New Research for Week #51, 2019
Posted on 25 December 2019 by Doug Bostrom
Cranky Uncle Matching Gift! We're closing in on our stretch goal to fund Cranky Uncle as an Android app. $6,000 will finish this stretch goal. To get us over the line, two anonymous contributors have agreed to match other contributions until midnight of December 31st, dollar for dollar up to $3,000, taking us past the post. Double your impact by contributing right now while you're thinking about it! To all those who've already contributed, a huge Thank You!
Are they really suffering?
The New York Times this week highlighted a paper looking at academic work habits, Working 9 to 5, not the way to make an academic living: observational analysis of manuscript and peer review, by Barnett, Mewter and Schroter. It won't come as a surprise to anybody with a researcher available for observation to see suspicions confirmed: scientists are "on" year 'round, like firefighters or police. From the Times:
Jay Van Bavel, a social neuroscientist at New York University, is vowing not to work during the Christmas holidays.
A few years ago, Dr. Van Bavel had agreed to conduct peer review on a couple of manuscripts before the end of the semester. But he got really busy and ended up having to do one on Christmas Day and another on New Year’s Eve, while his family was visiting.
“I felt like I let down myself and my family,” said Dr. Van Bavel, who gets asked to conduct peer-review 100 to 200 times a year. But he says he has now learned his lesson, and is not planning to do any work in the Christmas holidays this year, except perhaps the odd email.
Emphasis ours, and not to sound too skeptical but... fat chance! Something will come up— it always does. This writer has ample anecdotes available: boats held at docks while emails were downloaded at a crawl via telephone modem, driving in the dead of the night "on holiday" to find a fax machine and being chased away from a tiny regional airport (fax terminal!) by the police, searching for cellular access because a deadline is imminent. Overcommitment is the natural condition of the flourishing academic. And really, this crew seems to thrive on relentless throughput, for the most part.
So Happy Holidays to the scientific army and enjoy your gift of several days of no PhD or steering or hiring or faculty committee/council meetings, so you can work more on the good stuff. :-)
51 articles:
Physical science of global warming
Clouds damp the impacts of Polar sea ice loss (open access)
Observations & observational methods of global warming & effects
Evidence for accelerated weathering and sulfate export in high alpine environments
Divergent consensuses on Arctic amplification influence on midlatitude severe winter weather
Spatiotemporal variation of snow depth in the Northern Hemisphere from 1992 to 2016 (open access)
Remote sensing of ice motion in Antarctica – A review
On the role of the Atlantic ocean in exacerbating Indian heat waves
Coincidence of increasingly volatile winters in China with Arctic sea-ice loss during 1980–2018
Climate diagnostics of the extreme floods in Peru during early 2017 (open access)
Modeling & simulation of global warming & global warming effects
Global and regional impacts differ between transient and equilibrium warmer worlds
Compensatory climate effects link trends in global runoff to rising atmospheric CO 2 concentration
Inundation modelling for Bangladeshi coasts using downscaled and bias-corrected temperature
Climate model advancement
What Drives Upper-Ocean Temperature Variability in Coupled Climate Models and Observations?
Numerical methods for entrainment and detrainment in the multi?fluid Euler equations for convection
Biology & global warming
Bee body size and global change: Growing with the task?
Molecular mechanisms of acclimation to long?term elevated temperature exposure in marine symbioses
Sea ice loss increases genetic isolation in a high Arctic ungulate metapopulation
Elevated CO2 affects anxiety but not a range of other behaviours in juvenile yellowtail kingfish
Natural history collections document biological responses to climate change
GHG sources & sinks, flux
Drivers of change in China’s energy-related CO2 emissions (open access)
Estimation of global grassland net ecosystem carbon exchange using a model tree ensemble approach
Global carbon sequestration is highly sensitive to model?based formulations of nitrogen fixation
High predictability of terrestrial carbon fluxes from an initialized decadal prediction system
Climate change communications & cognition
Did TV ads funded by fossil fuel industry defeat the Washington carbon tax?
Three roles for education in climate change adaptation (open access)
Humans dealing with our global warming
An agenda for ethics and justice in adaptation to climate change (open access)
Adverse weather conditions for UK wheat production under climate change
Physical and policy pathways to net?zero emissions industry
Impact of climate and population change on temperature-related mortality burden in Bavaria, Germany
Obtaining legal copies of "paywalled" articles
We know it's frustrating that many articles we cite here are not free to read. Here's an excellent collection of tips and techniques for obtaining articles, legally.
Please let us know if you're aware of an article you think may be of interest for Skeptical Science research news, or if we've missed something that may be important. Send your input to Skeptical Science via our contact form.
A list of journals we cover may be found here. We welcome pointers to omissions, new journals etc.
The previous edition of Skeptical Science New Research may be found here.