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Lionel A at 08:36 AM on 18 November 2016US election: Climate scientists react to Donald Trump’s victory
Monckton has been writing silly things about John Abraham, amongst other things, below that Carbon Brief article.
chriskoz at 08:16 AM on 18 November 2016Trump begins filling environmental posts with clowns
John's resentment of US president elect (especially his final conclusion, snipped here, that you find in the Guardian) is no dobt shared by all of us. I resent this president and his office more than John does, up to the point that I think he does not deserve to be called by name (T-word, is in my household a forbidden swear word, just like N-word) and I extend that practice to my posts on SkS.
But contrary to John, I have no illusion that the new president be "contrarian to the contrarians" only to be even more disappointed later. Instead I concentrate on the reasons behind such absurd election results: what happened to the US voters that they elected the most unimaginable clown that ever existed? This outcome did not come from "deplorables" (eg. white supremacits such as KKK), these are marginal poeple. The outcome came from average decent people but blind GOP supporters and from DEM supporters who turned away from Clinton for various reasons. Here is a confession from such an average voter that I cite after smh:
I'm a Muslim, a woman and an immigrant. I voted for Trump
This woman is from Muslim Reform Movement, and voted unreasonably, because he didn't like Clinton's dealings with Arab states and her lack of rejection of radical Islamism. Well, as muslim reformist, she should have listened to someone like Sam Harris, and unreasonably, she didn't but that aspect is not to be discussed on SkS. The important aspect is that she said she accepts climate science and is concerned about AGW but clearly voted irresponsibly against her own concerns here.
That should tell us that voters still place AGW very low in their priority list. Concerns like muslim reformation, lost emails, or other petty concerns are higher than the most important issue facing policy makers in this century. Where was the media whose job was tohighlight it during the campain? They concentrated on "pussy bus" instead. Although itself disqualifying the actors (including Bush) of that comedy from any public office, the media should cut the show short with the statement: such clowns are unable to grasp any serious issues like e.g. AGW.
The media failed us. Our job is to continue remind voters to sort their priorities according to the common good, not the petty concerns, in the next election to eliminate the root of the problem we're in.
nigelj at 08:02 AM on 18 November 2016Trump begins filling environmental posts with clowns
I'm fast losing hope as well. Remember half the population have a limited education, and I would say they figure high in Trumps supporters, and you only need to look at the demographics and groups who supported him. And they are preyed on by ignoramuses like Rush Limbaugh, and will be exploited, fooled, and walked all over by people who actually weild power in Congress.
Trump and the Republicans are retreating into a giant intellectual, economic, and cultural bubble. They have become massively defensive, and are hunkering down. Yes globalisation has hurt some groups, but they are selecting exactly the wrong mindset and responses.
By flooding their ranks with such same minded people, like the appointment of Myron Ebell, they will generate the most destructive form of group think imaginable. Braver and smarter people ensure they have a range of advice.
Remember Trump is a business person, and is used to abrupt decisions and risk taking. This is part of the business ethic, but Trump does it on largely gut instinct and is taking a huge risk with the climate and also his protectionist trade policies.
The devil is in the detail, and I can see from his rhetoric that he is definitely incorrect on many details, crucially important details, so the sum of the parts will be a disaster. Trumps business history came close to bankruptcy several times. America, what have you done electing this guy?
nigelj at 07:28 AM on 18 November 2016What President Trump means for the future of energy and climate
Sauerj @4, everything you say makes plenty of sense. Part of me wants to take that optimistic view as well. However as you say lot of this issue depends on what the world says, and the pressure they put on America.
And it all depends on how people advise Donald Trump to do better on climate change. I would say do a lot of ego stroking and flattery because Trump has the sort of personality that responds to that. However add a bit of shouting at him as well, because he wont respect people who are timid. This guy has to be handled properly.
scaddenp at 06:52 AM on 18 November 2016Breathing contributes to CO2 buildup
Lets not get into handwavy arguments. The relevant diagram is already on this thread here. Long term burial of carbon by plants etc takes place at rate about 0.2Pg C per year. Emissions from fossils fuels and land use change are about 9Pg C per year.
Not to mention the obvious fact that CO2 levels in the atmosphere are rising, and that the isotopic composition of CO2 in atmosphere is consistent with addition coming from FF.
sailingfree at 02:10 AM on 18 November 2016Trump begins filling environmental posts with clowns
Upon reading and listening to the reasons that Trump's supporters give for backing him, I have lost all hope.
His supporters brains have been hijacked by Breitbart, Limaugh, and Fox. When things get bad, those "newscasters" will find a way to blame it all on Obama. Eight more years?
sauerj at 02:04 AM on 18 November 2016What President Trump means for the future of energy and climate
I am hopeful (naively) that with the GOP now fully 'on the hook' for the path forward that they will step back from their political obstructionism, re-calibrate their priorities and seriously evaluate the gamut of carbon cessation policy options so to unbiasly work out the best strategy for the most carbon emission reductions (nationally & globally), the least GDP-impact & the most equitable. An optium path that considers all 3 constraints (or more if required).
Before, acceptance of CC & then CC action (via executive order type policies) was a politized gridlock. That political excuse (that political football) has now been taken away from the GOP. Maybe those in their ranks who aspire to true conservatism (a true sense of sustainability) & a true sense of fair skepticism can persuade the rest of the GOP to step back, and re-calibrate its old ways. This re-calibration might make them think about CC strategy like a business problem, with constraints as follows: 1) Meet set carbon reduction goals, 2) Do so in the least economic burdensome & most equitable way as possible, and 3) Assist the global nations (especially the highest emitters) to do the same through technology sharing & funding (if necessary).
What is missing from this is the economic driving force to push toward the best solutions. Why? Because the cost of FF's today does not include the future cost of tomorrow's CC impacts. We are allowed to litter CO2 to the atmosphere for free. Because of this, wrong business decisions (based on cost vs return evaluations) are being made everyday all over the world by everyone. When the cost of energy is wrong, no one can escape these wrong decisions. Once the future cost of FF's is put into this price (on a ramped slope set so that technology development can keep up w/ demand), sustainable energies will start to florish, along with improvements in efficiency and reductions of discretionary & other wasteful consumption practices (those which provide no improvement to the quality of life). All fueled by the switch-over of investor capital, thus spurring organic entrepreneurship, technological ingenuity & industrial drive. Ultimately, the best, most sustainable solutions will become the most profitable, and therefore the most pursued.
Once the cost of unsustainability is included in the consumption of energy (increasly so until the use of FF's is eventually reduced to sustainable rates), then carbon cessation will start to take care of itself, on the best solution path possible. Of course, like today, business regulations will still be required to maintain just & equitable business practices (this is a piece of the policy negotiations but should not stalmate all movement toward significant and abtainable reductions in carbon emissions). A revenue-neutral carbon tax (fee & dividend, or an equitable offsetting of state sales tax, etc) is a good way to insert the future cost of FF's into their price. Once done (& ramped up at a rate that businesses would use in their capital plans), then business decisions will move away from today's wrong ones toward the right (sustainable) ones.
I am hopefully (again naively) that now that the GOP has the entire football and that some in the ranks are reasonable and with growing political & economic pressures from the rest of the world, that those in power will have a serious re-think, re-calibration on this whole issue. I am not sure that pressure from within their ranks is enough, but pressure from the rest of the world might cause them to totally re-think their strategy.
ubrew12 at 00:48 AM on 18 November 2016What President Trump means for the future of energy and climate
The globe affected by global warming is mostly not the United States. Yet one country has, more than any other, caused this calamity: the United States. I should think people around the World are getting royally steamed over America's repeated intransigence. I know my own country: if you're not hitting someone in his pocketbook, he can't hear you.
joepitts1 at 23:30 PM on 17 November 2016What President Trump means for the future of energy and climate
Mark has written an exceptionally insightful summary of where we stand. However, he does not address the impact of 4-years of inaction and back sliding on the part of the U.S. As I write this comment from SW Missouri at 7:30 AM on November 17 the outside temperature is 60 degrees F and the trees in my yard still have green leaves on them. Climate change is moving much more quickly than the models have predicted. Measurable action on the part of the U.S. must be implemented yesterday.
SirCharles at 18:30 PM on 17 November 2016US election: Climate scientists react to Donald Trump’s victory
The International Energy Agency warned that reaching the ambitious targets set forth by last year’s global climate change accord would be next to impossible => Paris Climate Deal Is Too Weak to Meet Goals, Report Finds
SirCharles at 18:21 PM on 17 November 2016US election: Climate scientists react to Donald Trump’s victory
@Eric Grimsrud
I have no time for wait and see.
Trump appointed Steve Bannon – the former chairman of Breitbart, the far-right media outlet that peddles conspiracy theories as news and advances white nationalism – as White House Chief Strategist and his Senior Counselor. Trump's top science advisor is climate change denier Myron Ebell. Mother Jones has an article here => Trump's Top Environmental Adviser Says Pesticides Aren't Bad for You
These are guys with a long history of science denial. Wait and see is not an option. Wait and see was the tenor when Hitler gained power some 80 years ago...
Glenn Tamblyn at 17:08 PM on 17 November 2016Breathing contributes to CO2 buildup
Nope. More like 100's of millions of years ago. Plants removed vast amounts of carbon over huge timescales and it has been locked away ever since. Plants today work on a carbon cycle that doesn't include that sequestered ancient CO2. So adding this carbon from long ago is disrupting the balance of that system. -
Mochan at 15:55 PM on 17 November 2016Hansen's 1988 prediction was wrong
Sorry, I have two eyes, and the data clearly shows me it's closer to Scenario C, not Scenario B.
Moderator Response:[PS] It is not clear to me that you have read the article that carefully. Read the comment policy- you are risking sloganeering .Scenario B is about an emission scenario. Hansen considered what would happen for 3 different emission scenarios. What we actually emitted is closer to Scenario B, so should compare his prediction for scenario B to actual temperatures for B. His prediction is too high for reasons the articles discusses.
Mochan at 15:53 PM on 17 November 2016Breathing contributes to CO2 buildup
This rebuttal is missing something. It says that people arguing that breathing causes CO2 are missing the other half of the cycle.
By that very same logic, those who are saying we should cut down on fossil fuel use are missing the other half of the cycle — those plants that created the fossil fuels also took that CO2 out of the atmosphere hundreds of thousands of years ago. This is all a cycle and if it happens, it happens. You can't stop it.
chriskoz at 13:18 PM on 17 November 2016On Trump and climate, America is split in two by these demographics
Indeed, note how the tip of the average green curve just "touches" the freezing blue line in summertime, which indicates how sensitive this region is changes in ice accumulation/melting in response to even small warming that shifts the green curve up and down. The simulation of such shifts (or rather changes in green curve in response to Milankovic forcings) can lead the explanation of iceage cycles. But with that model in mind, the departure of red line from green line in wintertime does not make any difference to arctic ice stability as long as it stays below freezing. The relevant summertime part or red curve follows green curve closely. So I don't understand what's a big buzz in this mistery, policy violating bozzza@112 post.
And above all, I don't understande how this graph is relevant to the topic at hand about demographic of climate science acceptance in America.
scaddenp at 05:59 AM on 17 November 2016On Trump and climate, America is split in two by these demographics
I am pretty sure it is Arctic temperatures north of 80N. See here.
JWRebel at 05:55 AM on 17 November 2016What President Trump means for the future of energy and climate
Trump may be susceptible to the idea that the US is going to lose its role as a leader in emergent technologies, such as solar and renewables. His views on climate amount to a few goofy one-offs ("Where is global warming when you need it" –- everybody in Russia and Canada has said that sometime in their life) and ignorance: He thinks that if the weather breaks a record that was last set in 1896 it proves that there is nothing novel about weather extremes (which is true — but not germane). If not completely beholden to fossil fuel interests or campaign promises there is some hope for a learning curve if he runs into advisors with an educational streak. He's also likely to be in for a surprise when calculating how many "hundreds of billions" can actually be squeezed from subsidies (and coal substitution). Further hope can be garnered from the fact that he is likely to favor States' and local autonomy, which means a lot of initiatives will carry on despite new policy. Just saying, the cause has not yet been completely lost.
rkrolph at 05:13 AM on 17 November 2016On Trump and climate, America is split in two by these demographics
The chart @12 needs some explanation. As in, what is it?
shastatodd at 04:38 AM on 17 November 2016US election: Climate scientists react to Donald Trump’s victory
"But given Trump’s comments on the campaign trail, the US’s recent reputation under Barack Obama as a nation serious about tackling climate change now looks to be in peril."
im sorry, but donald trump does not dicate my energy consuption/ carbon footprint choices. -
One Planet Only Forever at 04:29 AM on 17 November 20162016 SkS Weekly Climate Change & Global Warming Digest #46
Trump's plans for coal is likely to stop any transition of existing coal burners in the US and motivate utilities to maximize their use by ending laws and enforcement that make coal burning less profitable. However, his main plan would likely be to maximize exports of coal and us US influence to keep buyers of US coal from reducing their burning-blaming them and excusing the US.
Bottom line is Trump is bottom line popularity and profit guy who has a history of not caring how popularity gets drummed up or how unsustainable or damaging a pursuit of profit is understood to be. He has proven that popularity for nationalism can override any better understanding that what is being promoted will not advance humanity to a lasting better future. Tragically in Germany White Nationalists were twice proven to respond even more as the damaging absurdity of the Weimar and Nazi Regimes claims were ramped up.
Lionel A at 01:37 AM on 17 November 2016US election: Climate scientists react to Donald Trump’s victory
Visiting the original article at Carbon Brief I note that somebody using the name 'monckton' has opened the comments batting with long debunked disinformation for which his Lordship is so well known.
bozzza at 20:24 PM on 16 November 2016On Trump and climate, America is split in two by these demographics
Enough, it's time to do something!
Moderator Response:[RH] Adjusted image size. Please keep image limited to 500px.
John Hartz at 11:53 AM on 16 November 2016US election: Climate scientists react to Donald Trump’s victory
nigelj: You state:
Somebody needs to talk to Trump about climate change, but it needs to be kept to just a few key points. He will not have time for a massive lecture.
According to the following article, President Barak Obama is doing just that.
Here's how Obama's trying to persuade Trump not to abandon the Paris climate deal by Brad Plumer, Energy & Environment, Vox, Nov 15, 2016
nigelj at 08:11 AM on 16 November 2016US election: Climate scientists react to Donald Trump’s victory
Trump does indeed have a history of unusually flexible views on most things. It all makes Trump hard to predict.
Somebody needs to talk to Trump about climate change, but it needs to be kept to just a few key points. He will not have time for a massive lecture.
Two main things convinced me fossil fuels are causing global warming. Firstly a graph showed that over the warming period since 1975,solar irradiance has been falling slightly. Secondly the warming is stronger and increasing more at night which suggests an increasing greenhouse effect. I don't have a physics degree, but I could easily relate to these issues.
nigelj at 07:19 AM on 16 November 20162016 SkS Weekly Climate Change & Global Warming Digest #46
Michael Sweet @ 12, I didn't realise there was such a strong consensus on global warming in the 1960s, but I accept your evidence.
I was really just reacting to Driving By. He made an initial claim that warnings about warming made in the 1960s were ignored by the Democrats, as they were more interested in their progressive agenda. This annoyed me.
But it shows an important point. Both Republicans and Democrats have been in denial about climate change at various times. The elite become tied up in their own narrow agendas, whatever they may be.
perseus at 05:15 AM on 16 November 2016On Trump and climate, America is split in two by these demographics
Trump won in areas with less educated, older, whiter populations with fewer immigrants.
It was exactly the same with Brexit in the UK. No wonder he's such buddies with Nigel Farage.
Interestingly UKIP, the neo-fascist party he used to head, obtained only one Member of Parliament (one MP is allocated per seat or region) out of 650 in the last general election despite receiving 13% of the vote (he has never won a seat). This is due to their votes being diluted across many regions and MPs being elected by a first past the post voting system in each region. The Greens only have one MP for the same reason.
In contrast, the Scottish Nationalists obtained 56 seats with only 8.6% of the popular vote, because their vote is concentrated enough in Scotland to overcome the other parties contesting those seats.
william5331 at 05:02 AM on 16 November 2016US election: Climate scientists react to Donald Trump’s victory
On the bright side, what politician in the rest of the world wants to be associated with Trump in the eyes of his support. Imagine some politician making some sceptical comment about climate change and the next question by a reporter. "Are we to understand Mr Minister", he asks, "that you agree with President Trump". Perhaps the law of unexpected consequensis will act in our favor for a change.
Eric Grimsrud at 03:07 AM on 16 November 2016US election: Climate scientists react to Donald Trump’s victory
In spite of the more pessimistic view most of us climate scientists now have, there is, nevertheless, the possibility that President-elect Trump will change many of his views abruptly, even before he becomes President Trump. This thought is consistent with Trump’s behavior in the past. He is a self-absorbed operator who doesn’t think he owes anything to anyone. Thus, when he gets into the oval office next January, I doubt that he will feel a strong obligation to honor any of the commitments he has made to others so far. Donald Trump is clearly not a stupid person himself - he has simply shown himself to be a master at getting the votes of those who are. He might more appropriately be labelled an uneducated person. As unlikely as this somewhat more progressive view of Trump might be, there’s no harm in crossing one’s fingers and trying very hard to educate him on the issue of climate change. Of all of the issues on the table, only this one needs to be addressed immediately. All of the others can be addressed and solved in due or even overdue time – if our life sustaining physical environment doesn’t slip away. Who knows – maybe Trump will also start learning a bit about the Father of his party and be inspired by how Lincoln saved the United States of America in the nick of time. The fact that he has so little regard for what’s left of today’s Republican Party is encouraging.
BBHY at 23:27 PM on 15 November 2016On Trump and climate, America is split in two by these demographics
I tried to warn people that Clinton was trying to buck a strong hitorical trend and her chances were slim.
America very rarely elects two different Democratic presidents back-to-back. Exceptions since WWII are when Johnson followed JFK, but JFK had died in office so LBJ was able to run as an incumbent. Incumbents have an significant advantage in our elections; that's why we have the 22nd Amendment, and why Senators and Congressmen with low approval ratings stay in office for decades. The same thing happened when Truman followed FDR, he was able to run as an incumbent after FDR died in office.
To find an example that didn't involve the advantage of incumbency you have to go back over 150 years, to James Buchanon followed Franklin Pierce in the election of 1856. So this is a very strong historical trend that is extremely hard to break. Still, I thought Clinton had a chance because Trump was so bad.
What does this have to do with Climate Change, and am I about to get flagged for being off-topic? The point is, we can't wait for the perfect president, the perfect congress, or the perfect political climate. It is up to us, the people, to mobilize and move forward on fighting climate change. Where the people lead, the politicians will follow. (or "Lead from the rear" as someone put it.)
One small consulation, Trump should be the absolute last of the climate denier presidents. Sea level rise is/has accelerated and in another 8 years, (maybe only four, but don't count on it), millions of people who don't now beleive in climate change will be changing their minds. Yes, we will be in very bad shape by then, really we already are just that many people can't/won't see it.
Haze at 23:26 PM on 15 November 2016On Trump and climate, America is split in two by these demographics
Thank you for so effectively but, I suspect, unintentionally, reinforcing my point.
DrivingBy at 22:15 PM on 15 November 2016On Trump and climate, America is split in two by these demographics
"Perhaps a little less derision and outright snobbery..."
Quite so. Artisinal, focus group tested, artfully concealed derision and snobbery will be right up. Would you like seltzer with that?
michael sweet at 20:46 PM on 15 November 20162016 SkS Weekly Climate Change & Global Warming Digest #46
The report was from the National Academy of Science not "a couple of scientists". They warned strongly that AGW would be a big problem in the future. It reported the consensus of scientists at the time.
It has been over 50 years since that reort was delivered to the President. Unfortunately, we are making the same argument now.
nigelj at 17:23 PM on 15 November 20162016 SkS Weekly Climate Change & Global Warming Digest #46
Driving by @9, yes a couple of scientists in the 1960s predicted global warming but there was no consensus in the science community. Maybe there should have been.
Trump is possibly a pragmatist. So am I, but his changeability is so large it's not normal
Imran520 at 16:55 PM on 15 November 2016On Trump and climate, America is split in two by these demographics
The urban/rural divide was the third-strongest determining factor in the presidential election. Clinton won urban voters by 24 points; Trump won rural voters by 28 points. In many cases, cities are leading the way in taking action to curb global warming.
Art Vandelay at 11:39 AM on 15 November 2016On Trump and climate, America is split in two by these demographics
Trump fell slightly short of winning the popular vote but the election result itself still shows that 'climate change' as an issue is less important than other social and economic issues of today, as far as Americans are concerned.
My gut feeling is that Trump will be a 4 year President and will have little if any effect on global climate hange mitigation efforts.
michael sweet at 11:27 AM on 15 November 20162016 SkS Weekly Climate Change & Global Warming Digest #46
In many locations, including Texas, WWS are the cheapest form of energy. In that case if Trump delays the buildout of WWS it will hurt international competitiveness. If WWS continue to go down in price they will be built out more and more.
Unfortunately, even a few years delay in installing more WWS will result in a lot more carbon in the atmosphere.
Tom Curtis at 11:04 AM on 15 November 2016On Trump and climate, America is split in two by these demographics
chriskoz @4, based on this poll, it is likely that a majority of Trump voters accept the reality of AGW, but that those that do are on average less worried about it than Clinton voters (or than is consistent with the evidence). I base that claim on the party affiliation results along with the fact that around 91% of Democrats voted for Clinton, 93% of Republicans voted for Trump, and 53% of independents voted for Trump (based on exit polls here, excluding "other/no answer").
DrivingBy at 09:41 AM on 15 November 20162016 SkS Weekly Climate Change & Global Warming Digest #46
- In the mid-60s, a presentation by a noted scientist (someone here recall the name?) to LBJ included the advisory that over the next century, the increase in atmospheric C02 would change the world's climate, with destabilizing effects, and that it would not be a temporary, reversible problem like smog. C02's greenhouse effect was discovered in the 19th century and confirmed (by Arhennious) around 1900. There's even a reference to it in the old educational film "Our Mr Sun", a suprisingly well-produced piece from our grandparent's day.
My point about the other items, wall-fence, ACA-ACA-lite is that DT really has few fixed positions; he's a combo real estate developer/reality show host. Someone called him Quantum Trump, as he seems to simultaneously hold multiple, opposing positions on a subject. That is not always a bad thing, because in politics there's often no right answer.
We can hope that trade implications will enter the new Administration's calculus. If abandoning Paris turns out to be bad for business, Trump will probably change his tune. Democrats should have been helping those coal miners get jobs in the oil & gas fields or whatever emergent industry arises (wind turbine contstruction & upkeep). If Trump's administration is smart, they will offer new jobs that exist instead of old ones that aren't coming back. Trump couldn't care less about coal itself, he's looking at the communities which were formerly sustained by it, they are part of his support base. While he also couldn't care less about climate change, if ignoring CC turns out to be a drag on the economy I suspect he'll adjust.
chriskoz at 09:38 AM on 15 November 2016On Trump and climate, America is split in two by these demographics
I wonder why detailed exit polls pointed by Dana at the very top, does not specifically include the acceptance of climate science vs voting data. There are dozen (if not hundreds I'm bored to read) miniscule questions that will annoy any reader as they did myself, but the central question of climate mitigation, our central concern herein, where the new president will do most damage, is absent. That proves this poll, like the whole coverage of this election, is only about sensationalism, a reality show, or even better said a farcical comedy, rather than a serious contest of responsibility that POTUS office requires. Climate change mitigation is a number one challenge of that office but has been totally forgotten in the campaign and not even mentioned in this post-campain poll. Absurd.
Wol at 07:17 AM on 15 November 20162016 SkS Weekly Climate Change & Global Warming Digest #46
Part of any boom in the US economy under Trump would be the use of much "cheap" coal, gas and oil. The rest of the world would be somewhat shackled to increasing use of renewables, which are still presently more expensive partly because the hidden public costs of fossil fuels isn't adequately taken into account.
Having just had yet another online "discussion" with several deniers, who in the usual manner brought up all the oft-rebutted arguments, slipping from one to another at will, I see no chance that the Trump machine is in any way amenable to logical and scientific debate.
nigelj at 07:06 AM on 15 November 2016On Trump and climate, America is split in two by these demographics
Thanks for some interesting data and a good analysis, and you are broadly correct. There are clearly huge partisan divisions that are becoming worse and worse. The days of sensible consensus seem to be evaporating.
However you miss a point that the immediate cause of Clinton’s loss was James Comey, head of the FBI. Two weeks ago Clinton was ahead by 8 points and would almost certainly have also won the electoral college. After Comey’s dropping the email bomb in the final week her vote lead dropped to about 2% in the polls. (In reality the polls were also wrong and she was only ahead 1%). Yes obviously several factors contributed to Clintons loss, and she was not a great canditate, but Comey has to be the factor that clinched things. Personally I question his motives for acting the way he did, and consider them very dubious, and they should be questioned. The trouble is the Liberals (and I lean liberal) are too nice and won’t want to rock the boat.
I agree with the comment posted above. The world needs to signal its displeasure about Trump being elected and do so forcefully and especially so over climate change. The days of playing nice should be over. These Trump supporters don’t play nice so why should anyone else? The only thing that seems to get through to them is shouting and some harsh financial consequences.
Yes blue collar workers have been hurt and free trade plays some part, but mostly its automation and robotics. Trump can’t change these things. Tariffs will do more harm than good.
The only real way to help low income, low skilled people is some government financial help with retraining allowances and relocation allowances, etc. However this requires taxation and state help, so won’t be on the republican agenda.
It’s a huge mess and blue collar workers cant seem to work out its more the Republican Party ideology thats hurt them for decades. They consistently vote against their own financial self interest. But you can only lead a horse to water and I’m beyond caring on that issue.
However climate change is a global concern, and America is a big player and its ideological world view can be influential on other countries. This really therefore concerns everyone.
nigelj at 06:15 AM on 15 November 20162016 SkS Weekly Climate Change & Global Warming Digest #46
Michael Sweet @4.
I agree. I'm aware of some of those things, and thanks for the ones I wasn't aware of. And I hope you are right in your interpretation. It's just the election of Trump put my in such a foul mood that I just didn't care to try to find any positives!
At heart the Republicans believe in free markets (at least within America) So with renewable energy and gas having fallen in price it makes sense on this alone, and will hopefully prevail.
But watch the more vindictive people in Congress try to put a spanner in the works somehow. Unfortunately emotion and settling scores as they see it against The Green Movement counts with some people.
chriskoz at 05:58 AM on 15 November 20162016 SkS Weekly Climate Change & Global Warming Digest #46
Chinese are already doing it:
China Threatens to Cut iPhone Sales Over Trump Rhetoric
Maybe not in response to climate ravaging by the irresponsible con man, as you suggest, rather to his ravaging of trade agrements; but still along the lines you suggest.
Jonbo69 at 05:36 AM on 15 November 2016On Trump and climate, America is split in two by these demographics
After having just listened to William Yeatman of the Competitive Enterprise Institute on the UK's Channel Four news emphasising the non-binding and voluntary nature of the Paris agreement and the ease with which the US can take a position of non-compliance, I would just like to add a few more words.
What Trump and co need is something radical, bold and unexpected coming at them from out of leftfield. They will have anticipated and prepared for the international criticism and the battle with internal climate activists. I think it highly unlikely they are prepared for people from countries all over the world taking it upon themselves to boycott some of the big US corporations - it may just get them on the ropes and could be a game changer.
Let's face it, those of us who worry and care about climate change tend to be wish washy liberal types and moderate conservatives who don't like conflict, much prefer to work in co-operation with others, look to find common ground, want to be reasonable and play fair. Anyone thinking that approach is going to work with Trump and co needs to get off their unicorn.
The gloves need to come off and the fight taken to Trump. Trump didn’t realise his revolution through nice words and fair play, and any counter revolution won't achieve results by those methods. There will be those who will claim that it's unfair to target the US; after all, it's not as if other countries are doing what needs to be done on climate. Tough! It's fair enough! The US is about to become climate enemy number one and they need to be dealt with before the contagion spreads.
A boycott can also serve as a warning to other countries who decide their short term interests are more important than the long term survival of the planet.
One Planet Only Forever at 02:15 AM on 15 November 2016Conservatives elected Trump; now they own climate change
The leadership of many nations (and businesses) have been reluctant to behave better on climate change. And some leadership (political and business) have behaved deliberately, knowingly unacceptable on that account.
The USA and many of its business leaders have consistently been an impediment regarding climate change. Clinton did not ratify Kyoto, and it is not clear that Gore would have been able to ratify it either.
Though many in America (possibly the majority of Americans) have tried to move humanity forward they are stuck in the muck that is America, a muck of wealthy powerful people gleefully viciously striving to be the ones to gain unjustified advantage from any situation in a game of popularity and profitability that is rigged to be damaging (rigged by what laws get made-up and how they are enforced). And Trump is one of those people.
The USA dragged its heels for more than a decade on reducing the sulphur in diesel. It did it because of the internal popularity and power of attempting to get a competitive advantage against other nations that actually did what could be done. It also did it as trade protectionism since machines design for lower diesel can't function on the dirtier stuff the Americans still consider "good enough" (As said by the Simpson's character Crusty the Clown on his quality seal of approval "It isn't just good - it's good enough").
And the Trump promotion of having America profit as much as possible from its coal is just another example. He will also probably support the export for burning of the Petroleum coke waste product from the upgrading of heavy oils and bitumen, something far worse than coal. Doing so is profitable and it also does not count on America's CO2 emissions report. That needs to change. Exports of fossil fuels for burning should be counted against the nation that exported them as well as in the nation that burns them. Restricting the trade would be a very difficult transition for the global economy, but the burning needs to end so the trade of the stuff should end first, then the nations still burning their resources could more easily be pressured by other trade measures.
This careful playing of the game by American leadership to maximize benefit for some in ways understood to be unacceptable and clearly to the detriment of others is nothing new. During the early parts of WWII many wealthy Americans were doing 'good' business with the Germans as well as with the groups the Germans were fighting to take control over. It was only when it became clear that the Germans would likely lose that the American leadership decided to drum up the popular support to finally put its national efforts towards being seen to be opposed to the Germans.
Many other nations have failed to act more vigorously on climate change because they are trying to "Compete with the others - like the consistently deliberately damaging leadership of the USA that has deliberately failed to properly change the minds of its population because it is easier for people to deliberately drum up opposition to behaving better when behaving better would be more expensive and harder work. Obama tried to get America to be better but the House Republicans particularly the House Freedom Caucus refused to behave better. That is why Obama could not have the Paris Accord include any legal obligations, he would not have been able to sign on if it did because it would have required House and Senate apporoval. Trudeau in Canada would like to have Canadians be better, but the argument is "don't do anything unless the Americans do it" and it is very popular in support of profitability.
The presumption that the basis of acceptability and leadership is regional popularity and profitability and the "need to compete with those who get away with less acceptable behaviour" is clearly a fatal flaw in the current socio-economic games that threatens the advancement of humanity.
Deliberately deceptive appeals to greed or intolerance can easily tempt people to choose to support bad behaviour in the hopes of being part of the "winning group". Getting away with understandably unacceptable behaviour is clearly a competitive advantage. That is how groups like ISIS get support and temporarily win. And it is also how the Trump Republicans got their damaging undeserved "Win".
Jonbo69 at 01:57 AM on 15 November 2016On Trump and climate, America is split in two by these demographics
I hope you will excuse me as I have already posted this comment on a previous thread, but it is still entirely relevent to this one.
We outside America need to act now, before Trump opens a single coal mine, drills a single well. or withdraws a single cent from renewable development projects. It doesn't matter that the economics lean towards renewables and away from fossil fules. Trump & co are tools of the fossil fuel indistry and that it what they will pronote, regardless
350 degrees, Greenpeace and FOE have their hands tied because they operate inside the US and so it would be pretty hard for them to call for a boycott of US corporations; therefore there needs to be a new campaign group set up in countries outside the US promoting such a boycott. It doesn't have to be all encompassing; just a handful of the big names - Coca Cola, Starbucks, McDonalds etc, will do to start with.
But it needs to be done quickly, ideally before Trump has even taken office. We need to deliver the first blow, or at least make the threat clear to Trump and the Republicans. To wait until Trump takes charge is to give the advantage, and we can’t afford to allow that. We need him on the defensive and on the back foot.
The sooner people realise that there is absolutely zero chance of the UN or our governments doing anything that will get Trump and co to change course, the quicker we can get together and do something ourselves. The wait and see approach is the dumb ass approach and we’ll take a severe beating.
The only way Trump and the Republicans can be brought to see reason is to hit them in their wallet; our governments won’t do it; we can. We need to be the ones shaping events and controlling them, not the other way around. Action needs to be swift and uncompromising. -
Jonbo69 at 01:49 AM on 15 November 20162016 SkS Weekly Climate Change & Global Warming Digest #46
We outside America need to act now, before Trump opens a single coal mine, drills a single well. or withdraws a single cent from renewable development projects.
It doesn't matter that the economics lean towards renewables and away from fossil fules. Trump & co are tools of the fossil fuel indistry and that it what they will pronote, regardless
350 degrees, Greenpeace and FOE have their hands tied because they operate inside the US and so it would be pretty hard for them to call for a boycott of US corporations; therefore there needs to be a new campaign group set up in countries outside the US promoting such a boycott. It doesn't have to be all encompassing; just a handful of the big names - Coca Cola, Starbucks, McDonalds etc, will do to start with.
But it needs to be done quickly, ideally before Trump has even taken office. We need to deliver the first blow, or at least make the threat clear to Trump and the Republicans. To wait until Trump takes charge is to give the advantage, and we can’t afford to allow that. We need him on the defensive and on the back foot.The sooner people realise that there is absolutely zero chance of the UN or our governments doing anything that will get Trump and co to change course, the quicker we can get together and do something ourselves. The wait and see approach is the dumb ass approach and we’ll take a severe beating.
The only way Trump and the Republicans can be brought to see reason is to hit them in their wallet; our governments won’t do it; we can. We need to be the ones shaping events and controlling them, not the other way around. Action needs to be swift and uncompromising.
ELIofVA at 23:56 PM on 14 November 2016Global weirding with Katharine Hayhoe: Episode 4
The Trump election is certainly a setback for efforts to address climate change. However, the key epiphany that will make effective action possible is the wide spread recognition that to keep co2 concentration in the atmosphere from rising, we need to limit our human caused emissions to the net amount that nature sequesters. This is what the COP21 treaty referred to as a net zero carbon emissions economy. Nature sequesters most of our human emissions that are safely in the carbon cycle. However, the emissions that can not be sequestered are dumped into the atmosphere adding to the previous inbalances causing the concentration to rise. This is a debt. The ultimate difficulty will be determined by how high this carbon concentration (debt) gets. When we achieve net zero, we will no longer be adding to the carbon debt. However, to reduce the carbon concentration we will need to have a net sequester economy where our emissions are less than what can be sequestered. This we firmly understand. It is the only way to do it. If you do not believe we will ever go there, then you are assuming we will destroy the life resilience on our planet and the opportunity for our proginy to have healthy happy lives. The only way for there to be political will to acheive a net sequester economy is for the main stream to understand these limitations. Since this is our only hope, I will assume it will eventually occur and act in such a way that will make it more likely to happen. I am not sure Hillary Clinton had that recognition. However, she did recognize the rising carbon concentration was a problem and was postured to promote clean energy jobs, Trump is headed for that bridge back to the 20th Century where burn baby burn is the modow for economic growth.
This is a graphic I created that attempts to summarize the business as usual, net zero and net sequester economies.
Since our ability to sequester co2 is limited, should we share the capacity to emit co2 fairly?
michael sweet at 21:07 PM on 14 November 20162016 SkS Weekly Climate Change & Global Warming Digest #46
I think that the time for coal is past, even if the Trump presidency tries to revive it.
The biggest coal compaies in the USA have recently declared bankruptcy. If regulations are eased for emissions (which I expect), they will not be able to raise the capitol to reopen closed mines. Who will finance new coal burning generators with the writing on the wall for 4-8 years from now? There may be less coal shutdown for 4 years but the economics of coal argue for no more than a stalling in the shutting down of current facilities.
If the Saudi's keep pumping, fracking is not econnomic. It appears that the Sauds do not want to compete with fracking. Even if the pipelines are built, Trump cannot raise the price of oil enough to make those wells economic. Oil sands also require high prices to be profitable. The Saudi's might want to pump as much as they can before oil is no longer used. They make money at current prices.
WInd and solar have gotten much bigger under Obama. Will Trump really ignore the jobs created by WWS? Those jobs already exceed the old jobs under coal. Trump can hold back expansion but since wind and solar are cheaper they cannot be shut down once they are built. Perhaps Trump will waste a lot of money on nuclear, but that will lower CO2 in the end also.
John Hartz at 14:50 PM on 14 November 20162016 SkS Weekly Climate Change & Global Warming Digest #46
DrivingBy: I suspect that just about everyone attending the ongoing Cop 22 Conference in Marakesh, Morocco considers Trump's promise to withdraw from the Paris Accord to be a "Blow to the gut".
Here's an example of how diplomats are reacting:
The United States would become "a kind of rogue country" if it pulls out of an international agreement to combat global warming, leaving the world more vulnerable to droughts and other climate extremes, warned Mary Robinson, a former Irish president and human rights advocate.
"It would be a tragedy for the United States and the people of the United States if the U.S. becomes a kind of rogue country, the only country in the world that is somehow not going to go ahead with the Paris Agreement," Robinson said in an interview with the Thomson Reuters Foundation on Sunday.
INTERVIEW-U.S. will be 'rogue' state if it ditches climate accord - UN envoy by Laurie Goering, Thomson Reuters Foundation, Reuters, Nov 13, 2016
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