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All IPCC definitions taken from Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Annex I, Glossary, pp. 941-954. Cambridge University Press.

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Ice loss in west Antarctica is speeding up

Posted on 11 May 2015 by John Abraham

As I’ve previously noted, one of the most challenging problems in climate science deals with how to measure the Earth’s system. Whether ocean temperatures, atmospheric temperatures, sea level, ice extent or other characteristics, measurements have to be made with sufficient accuracy and geographical coverage so that we can calculate long-term trends. In some parts of the planet, the measurements are particularly daunting because of the ruggedness of the terrain and the hostility of the environment.

This brings us to a new study just published on Antarctic ice loss by Christopher Harig and Frederik Simons of Princeton. They work in the Princeton Polar Ice program. This study used satellite measurements to determine the rate of mass loss from this large ice sheet.

The ice sheet has two parts, a stable and large eastern part and a smaller and less stable western portion. The impact of climate change on these portions is different. The western part is losing mass at an increasing rate over the past years. In the east, however, the information is less clear. Increased precipitation (snowfall) is adding to the ice there, even while portions of the ice are warming.

The satellite method that these authors used actually measures the gravitational pull of the ice on two orbiting satellites. The huge ice sheet has such a large mass that it attracts objects toward it. As the ice melts and flows into the oceans, the attraction decreases – it is this change that is measured. The satellites are part of the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) project.

In the past, the satellites could only be used to make gross measurements over large areas. Their ability to separate what is happening in different regions is very limited. For such local measurements, other techniques had to be used.

The new paper provides an improvement to the resolution of GRACE. They find that the western part of Antarctica is losing mass at 121 billion tons (gigatons) a year. This rate has increased recently. In particular, in one region (the Amundsen Sea coast, the ice loss has doubled in the past six years). In the east, there is a small mass gain (approximately 30 gigatons a year). This mass gain partially offsets what is happening in the west but there is still a large loss of water to the sea each year.

I asked the lead author about this study and he told me,

It is very important that we continue long term monitoring of how mass changes in ice sheets. For West Antarctica in particular this is important because of how it is thought to be more unstable, where the feedbacks can cause more and more ice loss from the land over time. These strong regional accelerations that we see are very robustly measured and imply that Antarctica may become a major contributor to sea level rise in the near future. This increase in the mass loss rate, in ten years, accelerations like that show that things are beginning to change on human time scales.

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Comments 1 to 5:

  1. Also => Sea Level Rising Faster. Ice Loss Speeding Up.

    1 0
    Moderator Response:

    [RH] Resized video. Please try to keep the image width to 500px as anything above that breaks the page formatting for this website.

  2. I'd like to point out that 100 years ago Einstein showed that gravity doesn't attract but rather distorts space which causes objects to move towards each other.  Therefore you cannot say "The huge ice sheet has such a large mass that it attracts objects toward it", but rather that it distorts space around it and thus moving the satellite towards it. 

    0 0
  3. Its an interesting survey. However the title is misleading, as the Antarctic ice, to the best our ability to survey, is growing. Yes a certain peninsula, which is subject to warmer temps, by warmer I mean less than 0 C average summer temp, has lost some what

    0 0
    Moderator Response:

    [JH] Unless you can back-up your assertions with proper documentation, they are just your personal opnions which very little weight on this website. Sarcasam is also frowned upon.

  4. Antarctica as a whole is losing ice (eg see here) at rate in order of 150Gt per year.

    There is some expansion of sea ice around the continent (which at first glance is paradoxical as the sea warms) with complex causes. Note that an increase in sea ice in winter (when there is no sun) in no way offsets loss of arctic ice in summer (which causes a loss of albedo).

    0 0
  5. owenvsgenius, have you ever heard of dimensional analysis?

    0 0

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